Footbaw ded.

The Wide World of Safety.

Football will be fine. Head hits aren't inherent to the game, so there will be a solution. At worst we will go through a dark ages, and other sports will overtake football in popularity.

Boxing isn't a good comparison. Boxing participation was never mainstream to the level football is, and boxing's trajectory has as much to do with MMA as injury concerns.
Football will be fine. Head hits aren't inherent to the game, so there will be a solution. At worst we will go through a dark ages, and other sports will overtake football in popularity.

Boxing isn't a good comparison. Boxing participation was never mainstream to the level football is, and boxing's trajectory has as much to do with MMA as injury concerns.
Boxings trajectory is all about basic economics — oligopolies aren’t efficient, especially when run by showmen and hustlers. Boxing would be fine if it were clean and competent.
I spoke to a high level person at a certain football trade association the other day about this topic and they were in complete denial. They tried to refute the Boston study from earlier this year and said they are doing an independent investigation. The pipeline for professional will dry up if this isn’t addressed. It won’t be now, but we will see the effects in 10-20 years.
I spoke to a high level person at a certain football trade association the other day about this topic and they were in complete denial. They tried to refute the Boston study from earlier this year and said they are doing an independent investigation. The pipeline for professional will dry up if this isn’t addressed. It won’t be now, but we will see the effects in 10-20 years.
When my son started playing Tyke (age 6-8) tackle football here in town, there were four teams. Six years later there is no Tyke division at all and the older age groups are down to no more than two teams in each division.

Moms are skeert. :bigcry:

If it were up to women, there would be no headers in soccer. I'm not even kidding, I watched an ESPN spot a year or two ago (not sure what I was doing watching ESPN) that proposed making heading the ball illegal. To back up this proposal, they bought in "some of the worlds best players"... all USWNT members (lol)... to talk about it.
Meh, just because something has a higher risk than doing nothing doesn't mean it will go away completely. This is all being blown out of proportion because the "plaintiffs bar" is prepping/propagandizing to justify lawsuits, like the class action one I posted the other day.

As we have discussed before, a helmet redesign could IMO make football safer vis a vis head injuries. We made the helmet a weapon in the '50s and that was not a good thing. The guy who invents a soft helmet with equal or superior impact protection and crush resistance is going to revolutionize football. Players won't want to lead with their heads anymore so they won't. If you look at old football films from the early 50s and before it looked more like rugby technique (leading with shoulder, arm tackling).
Meh, just because something has a higher risk than doing nothing doesn't mean it will go away completely. This is all being blown out of proportion because the "plaintiffs bar" is prepping/propagandizing to justify lawsuits, like the class action one I posted the other day.

As we have discussed before, a helmet redesign could IMO make football safer vis a vis head injuries. We made the helmet a weapon in the '50s and that was not a good thing. The guy who invents a soft helmet with equal or superior impact protection and crush resistance is going to revolutionize football. Players won't want to lead with their heads anymore so they won't. If you look at old football films from the early 50s and before it looked more like rugby technique (leading with shoulder, arm tackling).
Meh, just because something has a higher risk than doing nothing doesn't mean it will go away completely. This is all being blown out of proportion because the "plaintiffs bar" is prepping/propagandizing to justify lawsuits, like the class action one I posted the other day.

As we have discussed before, a helmet redesign could IMO make football safer vis a vis head injuries. We made the helmet a weapon in the '50s and that was not a good thing. The guy who invents a soft helmet with equal or superior impact protection and crush resistance is going to revolutionize football. Players won't want to lead with their heads anymore so they won't. If you look at old football films from the early 50s and before it looked more like rugby technique (leading with shoulder, arm tackling).
There are pediatricians out there talking about the instances of head trauma and concussion that are a part of most active kids' lives. It is unavoidable. Toddler stumbles into a coffee table, Billy wrecks his bike, Sally falls out of the treehouse, somebody hits a tree snowboarding. A kid in my neighborhood took a whack in the forehead from an aluminum bat while in the on-deck circle. Out cold. Things like this are not tracked, not documented, mostly not treated, but they are part of the picture. Boo boos can't be eliminated.
Wonder how much of this is like the global warming hand waving freaker outery? Give me some grant money and I'll give you the result you want.