former F$U player shoots himself in foot on video.


Wonder what's hurt more ...his foot or his pride. Judging by the lawsuit I'd say his pride. Kidding aside, very unfortunate and I'm glad no one was seriously hurt.

It is funny though to see someone who, in a room full of people, shoot HIMSELF in the foot and then pauses, gains some composure and looks to everyone else and utters, 'Is everybody all right'.
Re: former F$U player shoots himself in foot on vi

I thought it was really funny when he picked up the rifle later and the kids were ducking and screaming. "Its unloaded"

That's what you said about the last gun /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eekhair.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif
That\'s funny as hell....

Damn moron. The FIRST thing he should have done prior to carrying those weapons in there was double check whehter or not they were empty. This guy deserves all the hell he can catch.

That said, I am a gun toting second ammendment guy and this guy and Cheney have given us a massive set back. Morons.
it is amazing how that happened...

both the person handing him the gun and the agent should have checked the weapon.

the video shows the action was open but there had to be at least one in the clip and when he released the slide it chambered a round.

At least he had the weapon pointed down but he still should have NEVER pulled the trigger w/o working the action himself.

It is unbelievable that this guy is suing the DEA for his mistake. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif

I go the range every saturday (except in FB season /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrinbounce.gif) and it really reaffirms the belief that NOT ONLY do you have to look out for yourself but you also have to look out for the idiot next to you.

In Savannah about ~15 years go at "Big Tom's" gun and pawn someone brought in a .45 that was jamming.

The guy behind the counter takes the weapon and works the slide w/ his finger on the trigger and the gun pointing at his co-worker and pulls the trigger and shoots his co-worker in the leg.

Luckily the round did not open up and it was through and through so I think it was just a few days in the hospital, but HE WAS VERY LUCKY. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif