From 3 losses to 3 wins


Sep 20, 2008
If we even get to 3 wins this season, that is. Any teams left on our schedule that have a defensive line that will stand there making eye contact with our O-line while plays happen around them?
Nope. Will be surprised if the team doesn't just mail it in at this point.

Really struggling to see where another win comes from.
Nope. Will be surprised if the team doesn't just mail it in at this point.

Really struggling to see where another win comes from.

I don't see what there motivation is at this point. This is a team used to competing for the ACC title every year. We're not even gonna make a bowl game this year. Spoil other teams' seasons?
I don't see what there motivation is at this point. This is a team used to competing for the ACC title every year. We're not even gonna make a bowl game this year. Spoil other teams' seasons?

Doubtful. Johnson's not the kind of coach who can get the players prepared or motivated for upsets, etc. He's had enough trouble getting 'em prepared for Notre Dame, Puke & Pitt fercrissakes.

I think we'll mail it in. 2-10 and B*** L**** Ball.