From one Tech to another ...


Varsity Lurker
Sep 21, 2005

I was in Charlottesville for our game against the 'Hoos. I didn't go to the game, but I watched it downtown with some friends. While it was completely satisfying pounding UVA into the ground, the game just wasn't very exciting.

Later that night, I was a temporarily converted Georgia Tech fan. I was screaming my head off rooting for you guys and went completely nuts when the game ended.

Excellent win for you guys ... Congratulations!

And a big Thank You from the Hokie Nation. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif

Also, I thought you guys might enjoy this:

Hey Jackets! Tech's buying
thanks glad to be of service. I don't know what happened when Miami played you all, b/c I had you winning that game.

Make sure you take care of F$U and do some BCS damage!

GOOD LUCK! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rockon.gif
Yes, but stop referring to yourselves as just "Tech" it's confusing the h3ll out of me /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif