
Nov 25, 2001
they could have ran out the clock and then throw 27yd deep fade touchdown pass. What exactly were they playing for? To impress the pollsters.

the much covetted "gator" bowl trophy.

This is very typical of BB to run up the score and this is why this season has been one of the best to watch FREE SHOES U.

I also hope Graham is successful in his litigation against Darnell "not guilty" Dockett.

I am comforted by the thought that I am convinced FSU will lose at least 3 games next year (FL, UM, and some acc team (hopefully us))

Bobby Bowden may be racking up wins but I never hear his name mentioned as one of the "greatest" coaches ever. That is because of all the thefts, GHB, late hits, "taking QB's OUT" and other onfield as well as off field antics.

The other comforting thought is that every time one of his players does something criminal it further taints what is a remarkable coaching record.

I am reminded of O'leary getting on Billy for scoring at the end of the Navy game. I will say it now that I dont care how many resumes O'leary lied on he has 10x's more class then BB.

Oregon, too! What ever became of CLASS in college football? All this dancing after a tackle, etc. makes me want to puke! GO refused to score several times at end of games to avoid showing up other teams. I did like that.
It does get old, doesn't it? Running up the score, showboating, taunting, dancing...it never seems to end in modern-day team sports. Even in baseball, I get sick of guys standing there admiring their home runs instead of just putting their head down and going around the bases. It's the modern day athlete. It started with Muhammad Ali and has sprouted from there. Then, when you have coaches like Bowden that seem to encourage such chicanery, it makes you even more sick.
Dockett got what he deserved at the end with the helmet to his knee.

It's a shame to say things like that, but it's an even bigger shame to realize those same statements are true.
Sometimes, we forget how much hot-dogging has infested sports. Go watch ESPN Classic when they show games from the 70s and early 80s or even earlier. Then, compare those games to today's games. The difference is shocking really. After almost every play, there is some type of show-boating now. Back then, when a player made a tackle, he'd turn around and go back to the defensive huddle...now he jumps out and makes gestures with his hands and arms to the crowd.
I agree that the displays on the field are becoming obxnious. The Officials need to fully enforce the rules at their disposal and if the rules are not stringent enough have "Mama" NCAA pass some so this can be stopped. I won't go to or watch NFL games because of the displays. TV could also help,imho, if they did not show the antics over and over. OOps!, there goes my resolution not get on my soapbox.
