Future MTM Show, All Forums Ban Together.



We need someone to represent "The Hive" and "StingTalk" on a future show.
Any Suggestions or Ideas?

#42 Adamm Oliver

"Join us for hot Georgia Tech football talk Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 PM live or listen to the archived shows at:
www.meetthemachine.com "
One thing for sure, RR will represent the Hive or he'll take his ball and go home.
I think 20oz should represent the Hive. Heck, he pretty much owns that bunch over there.

I nominate RM for Stingtalk.

Not sure I can volunteer for a "all boards band together" show, seeing how I've been banned by two of the three at one point or another.

I'll offer to sit in the crowd and throw Dassani bottles though.
They already have 33jacket, why does he need anyone else. 33 post on all three boards.

I politely decline the invitation, thanks anyway.
ArchiTECH! He is the only one willing to give BB the treatment he deserves.