FWIW--blast from the past.


Helluva Engineer
Feb 6, 2003
I would have LOVED hearing Al Ciraldo's play call on the runback---just musing!
Love Al. but he probably would have messed it up and Kim would have had to straighten it out for him.
AL: Here's the ballgame folks. Florida State with a chance to win it. Snap to Beatty... Aguayo kicks it. It's high enough. Looking.... Looking... .... .... ....
NO Signal!

KIM: Lance Austin's got the ball.
Al: Right Kim King. We're going to overtime here at Grant Field.

Kim King: No Al, the kick was blocked and Lance Austin picked up the ball and started running it toward the endzone. FSU's defense looked lost on the play and started to chase him down but Lance Austin made two guys miss to score and win the game.

Al: Georgia Tech wins! Hey Kim King, Lance Austin, great play!!!

Kim: Right Al, you called it all the way!
AL: Here's the ballgame folks. Florida State with a chance to win it. Snap to Beatty... Aguayo kicks it. It's high enough. Looking.... Looking... .... .... ....
NO Signal!

KIM: Lance Austin's got the ball.
Al: Right Kim King. We're going to overtime here at Grant Field.

Kim King: No Al, the kick was blocked and Lance Austin picked up the ball and started running it toward the endzone. FSU's defense looked lost on the play and started to chase him down but Lance Austin made two guys miss to score and win the game.

Al: Georgia Tech wins! Hey Kim King, Lance Austin, great play!!!

Kim: Right Al, you called it all the way!
---LOL---You nailed it! Still miss him. Great memories.
AL: Here's the ballgame folks. Florida State with a chance to win it. Snap to Beatty... Aguayo kicks it. It's high enough. Looking.... Looking... .... .... ....
NO Signal!

KIM: Lance Austin's got the ball.
Al: Right Kim King. We're going to overtime here at Grant Field.

Kim King: No Al, the kick was blocked and Lance Austin picked up the ball and started running it toward the endzone. FSU's defense looked lost on the play and started to chase him down but Lance Austin made two guys miss to score and win the game.

Al: Georgia Tech wins! Hey Kim King, Lance Austin, great play!!!

Kim: Right Al, you called it all the way!

You forgot "FUMBLE!!!"
Austin 73 yarder........


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Actually, Al would've thought this donnybrook ended in a 16-16 tie. There was no OT in Al's day.