GA Congress Passes Kirby Smart Cheating Protection Bill


Varsity Lurker
Sep 26, 2011
Leave it to the GA State Congress to pass a bill that clearly is set to inhibit public access to Kirby's recruiting budget and any other potentially damning uga activities. 90 days more or less covers the length of a football season. Introduced by the same lawmaker harassing Bud instead of the Board of Regents about campus sexual assaults.
We're bitching about it because we know they can outspend us.
Can't wait to see how this stops them from another embarrassing loss to Florida or losing to South Carolina.
Makes me wonder what skeleton they're trying to hide?

I mean, other than Larry Munson's.

Did DeDe take Joe Cox to the aquarium?
The other SEC states, with the exception of FL and AL have require between 3 and 15 days to respond to requests. Both FL and AL require that AA's respond within a "reasonable" amount of time.