Gailey quote...


Helluva Engineer
Nov 20, 2001
"Taylor is a solid No. 2 right now but nothing is etched in stone," said Gailey. "Sometimes Jonathan doesn't look pretty in practice but every time he gets in a scrimmage situation, he moves the team."

If he's moving the ball, then please give it him more often. I don't care what his technique looks like in practice, please give him the ball.

Question: Does he move the ball better than Reggie? Someone who goes to spring practice, please let us know.
All one needs to read is CGs quote about HOPES for RB.

HOPING a 3 year starter, going into his senior year, will get it.

Nothing else to say.
Shoot me now, hey Chan if he aint got it by now, hint, hint, he (Ball) will never get it.

One thing you can say for sure, Chan has hitched his wagon to Ball and is gonna ride that horse.

I am afraid like in years past, as Reggie goes so goes this team. MORE OF THE SAME!
Talent Wise...Reggie is the best QB on our team. He has a very strong arm and is much faster than anyone else...However, mentally he has lapses that instead of lasting a few plays tend to last a few games. Mental toughness is very underrated, and this is not one of Reggie's strength. I'm a believer that you dont ride a horse this long and not let him finish the race...However, this particualr horse is strugglin'.

I just dont understand how he can play so well against Auburn, Syracuse, and Miami...But totally not show up for other games, such as Virginia and Virginia Tech. If he starts a game like he did the Virginia game, Chan either needs to get up in his face(Which Chan doesn't do enough of) or he needs to put someone else in, because from what I've seen, Reggie doesn't normally turn it around later on.
But totally not show up for other games, such as Virginia and Virginia Tech

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Agree about UVA, but for VT, he literally had to run for his life the second he got the ball - the Oline did NO protection for him in that game. Not to mention his first action after being hospitalized for meningitis.

But that also brings up why Gailey realistic hopes this spring that Ball will finally put it all together: the Oline.

Chan either needs to get up in his face(Which Chan doesn't do enough of)

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Not Gailey, but I've seen Nix get in RB's face several times, most notably the NCState game just before the half. And not only Reggie, he was in PJ's face and the oline...
Reggie does well when we get ahead early and take some of the pressure off (Auburn, Miami). He absolutely melts down when the game is on the line and he must make a play to take the lead (NC State, UGAg).
Most people forget that there are 11 men on the field. When the others don't step up then it makes his job more difficult. Why aren't the o linemen ever criticized for missing blocks that make him run for his life?
Most people forget that there are 11 men on the field. When the others don't step up then it makes his job more difficult. Why aren't the o linemen ever criticized for missing blocks that make him run for his life?

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Simple! When the team wins, the QB gets all the glory.

Likewise, when the team loses, he gets all der blame.

Perhaps the more troubling quote is this:

"Really it's all on him," continued Gailey. "How good does he want to be and how consistent does he want to be?"

Is it just me, or didn't he say this EXACT thing last year going into fall practice? Let's just hope that this is a journalistic error by RamblinWreck
He absolutely melts down when the game is on the line and he must make a play to take the lead (NC State, UGAg).

[/ QUOTE ]

I certainly wouldn't call his play against NCS and UGa a "melt down" - it was on Reggie's back that we marched down the field to be in the position to win those games...and the NCS game interception was CJ's fault, not Reggie's.

That characterization of him is completely inaccurate, IMO, at least in the examples you gave.

***an aside: Nix calls the plays in the 2 minute offense - in case you're wondering about the ability to move the ball in the 2 minute when we floundered offensively for much of the game.
Have you watched that play at the end of the ...

NCS game closely? The pass was slightly behind CJ, but he
catches those all the time, the real killer was just as he
was adjusting to another bad throw the NCS defender cut his
legs out from under him. It would have been in his top 5
highlite real if he had come down with that.We lost that
game because of our pathetic ST play.

Also in the UGA game, CJ would have caught the pass over
the middle at the end of the game if he had not been
tomahawked by Greg Blue just before the ball got there.

Give both defenders credit, they could not guard CJ straight
up so they resorted to whatever tactics they could to keep
him from catching the ball. Don't forget ,in college, pass
interference is only a 15 yd penalty & I'm sure their
coaches instructed them to disrupt CJ physically if
Re: Have you watched that play at the end of the .

Perhaps I overstated cultability on the NCS interception...not entirely CJ's fault, but he's spoiled us so badly that if he gets his hands on it, we certainly expect him to haul it in.

The ball was thrown somewhat behind him, but it was a very catchable ball, especially for the best receiver in football.

Yes, the defenders in both games did an excellent job....
Who made the run in the final minues of the Georgia game to put us in scoring postion? The answer, Reggie Ball.
fellas, its about finishing. To use a basketball analogy, you can the steal and dribble thru the entire defense but if you miss the layup you ain't done poop but burn time off the clock.
but then he chokes unless he can get the yardage running. i.e. the silly interception.

Plus...if you break down will see receivers time and again open downfield, particularly in the middle deep, and he does not even look and throws it to the edges.

I hope this year is his year.
I, for one, don't think Reggie has really had a fair chance.

He's come in in a new (CCG) regime. Asked to start a D1 prog as a true frosh right out of HS. Has had a limited offense/playbook. Shaky offensive playcalling and protection.

His entire carrer at TECH has been tough going and it largely hasn't been his fault. I think Reg is a true team guy as in "put it on the line/take one for the team" his whole career at TECH while Tech and CCG have tried to forge an identity. RB could have quit and probably had success at a 1AA school or something else. TECH's problems the past few years have not been his onus, quite frankly.

Hopefully this season, with a better O-line and more maturity as a prog overall, will be the coming out for Reggie Ball that we've all knew this gutsy, TECHMAN has in him.

Let's pull for Reggie. Let's get beehind this young man.