

Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
Like I have stated all along, I support CCG and will continue to do so as long as he is the HC of GT football. This is not to say that everything he has done has been AOK, just saying I will support him. The funny thing about it now is, if the "anti-gailey" crowd had their wish to come true, who would we go with for a replacement. I can't imagine any sane and responsible Head Coach material person coming in to this quagmire of a mess and taking over with an AD saying for him to just win a few games and don't expect anything too good to happen. I can't imagine a new HC with any kind of credentials coming in here knowing up front that our AD isn't intelligent enough to monitor a report card for these players. I can't imagine this new HC accepting a job here knowing that he may be required to play a player that has just been booted off the team. Man-O-man what a bed we've made to sleep in now............ Bottom line: Better keep Chan Gailey and hope he doesn't get disheartened enough to quit, because I don't see that the ice we are standing on now is thick enough to stand around and play poker on.
I agree 100%. I also think it is time for DB to retire. We need someone to clean up his mess.
With the egos of some of the HC's out there, I think there would some who would like to fuel thier ego with a challenge like that knowing the tradition of Tech, and the fact that we are in the ACC. Probably the same reason Larry Brown took the Knicks Job.
Some football coaches might, but I'd be more apt to think of it as professional suicide . IMO, the "quick fix" in basketball is easier to accomplish because of the numbers involved.
In most cases I would agree...with the knicks salary cap, and the ego battle between brown and Isiah, tougher than most round ball challenges..thats why it feeds his ego
The "pocket change" he earns probably helps in nourishing the ego, too.
I'm sorry.I don't think the only man on the face of the earth to coach at Tech now would be Chan Gailey.Ole Miss got Tuberville when they were on probation.Do you think any South Carolina fans,in their wildest dreams,this time last year,thought they were going to get Spurrier? The fact is,there are other qualified men out there,DB has just chosen not to pursue them.
agreed....just curious, if we would have let gailey go last year do you think there would be any chance that Spurrier would have taken the tech job??
Don't know.But I do know that this has always been considered a high profile job.And when we've had vacancies,we're had a lot of known entities contact GT.For example,did you know that David Cutcliffe[?] contacted us about the job when GO'L left,and DB NEVER EVEN SPOKE TO HIM1
No way on Spurrier. He's interested in winning big, not worrying about keeping players eligible. I could see Cutcliffe maybe.

I don't know that we would want to be looking for a coach with everything that's going on though. Whether Chan is our best bet or not, we better hope he signs the extension now IMO. If he's willing to deal with the issues we face and the continuing difficulties in getting recruits qualified he's already ahead of anyone else out there.
agreed....just curious, if we would have let gailey go last year do you think there would be any chance that Spurrier would have taken the tech job??

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No, not a chance. Spurrier does ot like Tech at all (understatement) and would never come here, as much as I would have liked to have seen it. Notice he stole a couple of our big recruits from last year at the last minute too. Theres no love lost there.
"stealing" the recruits from us was nothing personal. He just wants to win, a does what it takes regardless of how ethical it may or may not be.