Game Ball

Sims. Dude has become a grittier, more hard nosed QB. Dude runs with conviction now, and looked really good throwing the ball.

is the lightbulb finally turning on?


Well the refs if Puke would have won, SMH!

But for real, Sims. He looked sharp and confident. Proud of him.
Sims for sure - maybe he’s finally reaching his potential.
Sims. Dude has become a grittier, more hard nosed QB. Dude runs with conviction now, and looked really good throwing the ball.
He has always physically reminded me of that VT QB sneezy punched because he couldn’t bring him down. Logan Thomas? But after Ole Miss I was starting to wonder if he just didn’t have enough grit. Whether winning have him enough of a taste to want more or if it’s Key’s influence or lack of Collins influence, nice performance and I really appreciate a QB that fights for extra yardage smartly.

It also helps to have a defense playing at a level to take some pressure off the QB. I don’t think Joe Ham ever knew what that felt like.
Overall I want to give it to the d, especially the secondary even the completions were usually heavily contested.

Big improvement in the OL today too. Not perfect, but they looked more or less competent. I think Sims improvement today was in large part due to having a clean pocket most of the game. Still need to win inside the 10, though
Timothy Hedgepeth. He wasn’t on the winning team but he had the greatest influence on the game.
game bell time - it takes two edition

o bell
Jeff Sims and Nate McCollum - I don't want to try to categorize or label what we're seeing with Sims, but it is change and it is good and I hope there is more on the way because when he is on, Jeff is fun to watch. McCollum balled out and this touchdown catch was something we'd have previously dropped just out of habit, but he held on through contact, made sure he got across, and didn't kick any of the Duke players in the dick like they ööööing deserved, so no 15 yard pernalty. Good for you Nate.


st/d bell
Charlie Thomas and Gavin Stewart - Charlie is the way, the truth, and just a real bad öööööööööööö in general. Gavin going about his business, sooner or later we are gonna need him to win one for us and I feel good about that.


lfg bell
Brent Key - yeet is just the first and last two letters of yellow jacket.


Virginia is dead already. Go ööööing Jackets.