Thx for the welcome, RB, and for those who welcomed me when I first posted several weeks ago. Thoughts on this board? Well...
I'm glad to see another board, and find the format more flexible, at least for now. Depending on how commercial the Hive becomes, many may gravitate here in coming months. Personally, I don't like to read and post with ads all over the place. We'll see how good or bad the new Hive is.
Don't see any need for GT fans to affiliate themselves with one or the other, nor to badmouth one on the other. We have the luxury of both.
The only negative I've seen here is too much "agendizing" and resultant infighting (not that there's not plenty of that on the Hive as well). While we all have our points of view, they should not be pushed to the point of being obnoxious. (Some think i do that, and perhaps I do at times.) Opposing points of view can be expressed with civility. Whatever our differences, we want to present a classy front to opponent fans who drop it, do we not?
It's really great to have StinGTalk to come to when the Hive is down (and vice versa should that ever occur). Keeps a GT fan from going into withdrawal!
Then again, we probably should all seek help for our addiction. I'm trying to break away and get some things done now. ;-)