Gameday Weather Gear Recommendations?


Nov 29, 2007
Ponchos just don't keep me dry enough. What is everyone wearing for the game?
Pancho....and nothing else

Actually will probably wear a GT shirt and shorts (so I don't end up with wet pant legs)
I imagine at your age, if there's enough of a downpour you'd fall apart like a stewed chicken.
Rain jacket, rain pants, rubber boots and you should be good to go. Allows you to adjust to the weather.
I'm sacrificing some sheep before the game to appease God so he'll let us win. I'll probably have enough time to skin them during the tailgate and wear it to the game.
What are you afraid of coit?

What are you afraid of coit?


Inclement weather affects the elderly more so than the rest of us. For one thing, thin blood means it's easier to get cold chills. Also, arthritis sufferers often complain about more severe joint pain in wet weather. Slips and trips from wet surfaces can lead to broken hips. And, with diminished visibility and unfamiliar surroundings, those experiencing early stage dementia can become easily lost and confused.

You're the only one who's seen one, coit, you are going to have to hook the rest of us up.