Gardner joining the booth

Hell yeah. Bedford did great work filling in, but I'm excited to see what Gardner's got. I listen to a lot of different cfb/cbb radio broadcasts and Tech has been extremely fortunate for as long as I've been a fan. I think Wes is undoubtedly one of the all-time greatest to ever do it and Kim is my favorite color guy, radio or television, period. Roddy, Joe, Sean have all been great in his shoes. Meanwhile, today, in the same way that we couldn't know how good we had it with Wes until we lost him, I don't know if we properly appreciate Andy. He is there and happy to be, and he plainly has a great deal of respect for his audience. Lots of college booths sounds like a couple of semi-bored acquaintances chattering about the action and we can listen in if we want. Andy puts you there and seems to relish the opportunity to be your eyes.
Hell yeah. Bedford did great work filling in, but I'm excited to see what Gardner's got. I listen to a lot of different cfb/cbb radio broadcasts and Tech has been extremely fortunate for as long as I've been a fan. I think Wes is undoubtedly one of the all-time greatest to ever do it and Kim is my favorite color guy, radio or television, period. Roddy, Joe, Sean have all been great in his shoes. Meanwhile, today, in the same way that we couldn't know how good we had it with Wes until we lost him, I don't know if we properly appreciate Andy. He is there and happy to be, and he plainly has a great deal of respect for his audience. Lots of college booths sounds like a couple of semi-bored acquaintances chattering about the action and we can listen in if we want. Andy puts you there and seems to relish the opportunity to be your eyes.
I like Demetra. My only complaint is his "broadcaster voice". I don't know if it's something they teach in journalism/communications/media programs or what but the fake "broadcaster voice" style in general grates my last nerve. I can't stand watching any news broadcaster/journalist on TV that uses it. You know it when you hear it and it's unbearable. No one uses that tone/style in regular conversation. I hate it.

But Andy is o.k. in my book.
I like Demetra. My only complaint is his "broadcaster voice". I don't know if it's something they teach in journalism/communications/media programs or what but the fake "broadcaster voice" style in general grates my last nerve. I can't stand watching any news broadcaster/journalist on TV that uses it. You know it when you hear it and it's unbearable. No one uses that tone/style in regular conversation. I hate it.

But Andy is o.k. in my book.
Agreed on the broadcaster voice thing. I don't dislike Demetra. He's forgetable though. Every time I try to remember his name, I come up with Brandon Gaudin, who was also forgetable - although, I think he's very good on the Braves games.
Agreed on the broadcaster voice thing. I don't dislike Demetra. He's forgetable though. Every time I try to remember his name, I come up with Brandon Gaudin, who was also forgetable - although, I think he's very good on the Braves games.
I get why a more casual voice could seem more appealing. But like I mentioned before, I've listened to tons of the other schools' radio broadcasts and I think we're very fortunate. The "broadcaster voice" thing doesn't really bother me much I guess because his enthusiasm feels so authentic.
I like Demetra. My only complaint is his "broadcaster voice". I don't know if it's something they teach in journalism/communications/media programs or what but the fake "broadcaster voice" style in general grates my last nerve. I can't stand watching any news broadcaster/journalist on TV that uses it. You know it when you hear it and it's unbearable. No one uses that tone/style in regular conversation. I hate it.

But Andy is o.k. in my book.
100% agree.