GEORGIA TECH vs clemsom Gameday Thread

I am sooooo hurt but hey we are still tech fansssss. Go tech if we win great but if we don't they are still my team. At least we are still better than most years before PJ
people with under 500 posts should not be allowed to post on gameday threads.
I don't know what everyone is so worried about - CPJ is the best coach in the country, we have top tier talent and even better execution. Just a couple lousy breaks otherwise we are winning this one 14-0. What a bunch of fairweather fans.
Dude quit smoking so much.
Hey, we did the same thing to them last year and they came back. Let's just hope we can do the same but hold on to the lead.
The lack of a true NT is hurting us dearly on defense. Just a simple run up the middle gets 3 yards minimum.

The defense is now playing about as I expected this season, the offense on the other hand....

Give Groh a couple of years and he'll probably have the right players in place; but then this is CPJ's third year...
Don't worry guys this is our building year we lost a lot of people last year new defense scheme. Don't worry next year will be better
Starting to feel bad for Tech fans at Clemson. Starting to feel glad I passed on going.

At least we can still throw in their face 2009 ACC champ game win and overall series record......
I think our D is better overall.......we just have a problem with gap assignment. I'm excited about getting a good handle on it this year and excelling next year.
Our scout team must suck something awful if this is the best players we have...
Here's to the future!:cheers:
The Auburn vs LSU game is SO much better than watching this garbage