GG speaks on DC


Nov 25, 2001
posted on the hive

Posted by ggarrett on February 11, 2002 at 14:22:41: from

hearing Jon Tenuta - not confirmed.
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Thanks for the info Law... his background looks pretty good... although I have to admit that I didnt pay that much attention to NC' defense this past year... and we certainly didnt have any trouble with them....
I do hope we bring someone in that will be here at least 3 years... I would like to see the staff gain some continuity... he seems to have moved around alot....
Sounds like a good coach, except he seems to jump around a bit. Also, I just hope he's not related to Judy Tenuta!:

Even if not, you know the jokes are gonna roll in from other schools!
'm hoping he's our man. I mean what can you say about UNC's defense last year? Did you see them destroy FSU? How about Auburn? After awhile, they did a pretty good job against Oklahoma for that matter. As for him being a job hopper, he spent 6 years at Ohio State before Cooper was let go as HC. He's coached some studs who are now in the NFL and from all accounts he's one helluva defensive backs coach. It appears whoever the next DC is, he's also gonna coach the secondary, and we all know how we need help there!

Again, I hope he's our man. We could do ALOT worse and not much better.