One of my most prized posessions is a piece of one of the goal posts from the 1990 Citrus Bowl. We carted that goalpost out of the stadium straight through the slums of Orlando to some group of bars (River Street?). The night before, we had made a GT flag out of a broom stick, a yellow table cloth, and black electric tape. When we brought the first goal post down, my buddy hoisted himself on the goal post as we carted it around the stadium. I can still see him waving that flag. That picture ended up on the front page of the Orlando Sentinel the next day.
Anyway, one of the uprights had snapped off of the goal post we were carrying so I was able to wrench off the 2 foot upright section that was still attached to the cross bar. What a memory!
And I was there in the fall of 90 when we beat the Cavs, and tore down the goal posts in an empty BDS. I remember help making a bonfire in the intersection of Techwood & Bobby Dodd that melted the traffic light.
Oh, to be in college again...