This is good news for all schools that actually try to keep academic standards above athletic ability. It's only a baby step for the NCAA, but it appears to definitely be a step in the right direction. Coach G says "it should have gone a step further".;) (Edited for Techgator who can now go ballistic on Matt Winklejohn & Carter Strickland of the AJC if necessary :>) )!2116253067&UrAuth=%60N\NUObNWUbTTUWUXUVUZTZUbUWU_UbUZU\UbUcTYWYWZV&urcm=y!2116253067&UrAuth=%60N\NUObNWUbTTUWUXUVUZTZUbUWU_UbUZU\UbUcTYWYWZV&urcm=y
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