Good luck this season from a Hokie!


Varsity Lurker
Sep 21, 2005
Hey Jackets, the college football season kicks off in two weeks. I just wanted to pop by and wish you guys luck this year. You guys start off with a serious game - I hope y'all shock everyone!

I look forward to your visit to Blacksburg, as it will be our first real home game. Yeah, most Virginia Tech fans aren't very happy with our cupcake schedule this year. Some of it is due to scheduling that was done years ago, some of it is due to the fact that we've had teams back out. I am not very excited about seeing Northeastern and Kent St come to town, but there isn't much I can do about it. At least our new QB and OL will have some time to mesh.

FWIW - I've always been happy that we were in the same division in the ACC. I've always liked Georgia Tech since I was in high school and visited GT ... which was about 10 years ago. (And yes, I was accepted to GT ... chose VT because I liked the campus much better.)

Anyways, best of luck of this season. See you in Blacksburg (again) in a month & a half!
After last year's blowout loss, a win this year would almost guarantee a rivalry. A blowout win may push the rivalry towards ugly - somewhat like the UGA / Florida rivalry. I tend to enjoy the friendly rivalries better (if there is such a thing in college football).
Hey BoR. There is only 1 TECH in the ACC. Your statement should read:

"I think in 20 years we will have a solid Tech vs. VPISU rivalry."

I mean IF we are going to have a rivalry we should start it out right and let the newbies know where they stand.

I mean, let's get real. My niece got her undergrad (a BA, not BS, degree) from VPISU and is currently working on a MA in Non-Profit Organization Management. Does that sound like any kind of a "Tech" degree? For that matter, I am still wondering how she is ever going to make any kind of a living even with all that "education".

PS - Didi you notice how low VPISU ranked in the new USNews & WR ranking?
No offense to the Hokie visitor, but I hope in 20 years we don't have a Tech-Tech rivalry but instead are playing the schools near us. VPI should be playing BC, Maryland (particularly Maryland), NCS, etc. and we should play FSU.
Yooperbuzz said ...
I mean, let's get real. My niece got her undergrad (a BA, not BS, degree) from VPISU and is currently working on a MA in Non-Profit Organization Management. Does that sound like any kind of a "Tech" degree? For that matter, I am still wondering how she is ever going to make any kind of a living even with all that "education".
Aw, c'mon Yooper. You sound alot like a 'Hoo with that post. Since you're from Georgia Tech, you should know a sample size of one isn't representative of the group. (FWIW - I graduated from VT with a BS in Computer Engineering and am doing fairly well.)

PS - Didi you notice how low VPISU ranked in the new USNews & WR ranking?
Keep in mind that Virginia Tech is more of a state university than an institue of technology. If you look at our college of engineering, I would surmise that, top-to-bottom, it's one of the best set of programs available at a publicly funded university.

But we digress ... this is a football board.

midatlantech said ...
No offense to the Hokie visitor, but I hope in 20 years we don't have a Tech-Tech rivalry but instead are playing the schools near us. VPI should be playing BC, Maryland (particularly Maryland), NCS, etc. and we should play FSU.
I hear ya, midatlantech. The decision to chop of the ACC as it is now was clearly made with the Florida schools in mind. That is also obvious with Jacksonville being the host city for the ACC championship game. That game should be in Charlotte!

At any rate, I don't see them changing the divisions anytime soon. I would bet money that the divisions don't change at all unless there is some future expansion to 14 teams.