
Nov 25, 2001
Offensive Line play had REALLY JUMPED UP the last couple of games.

we control the line against #1 D in the country and we follow it up w/ a solid performance against Ugag.

We are so young on the line these guys have a HUGE upside. I figure they all will add 15+ lbs in the off season and I think we got some redshirted guys that will contribute next year.

Choice should stand to be a BIG benefactor of the improved line play next year. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif

you could tell at the beginning of the game the announcers expected our O-line to be manhandled by ugag. When it did not happen they started changing their tunes.

GOOD JOB O-LINE! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif
Yeah, we are all really proud of the wonderful job you did especially the st oc coaches
None of our guys should hang their heads after that game. We had our opportunities. Mistakes killed us.

For those that were not there. GREAT atmosphere last night. The players walk was packed, packed, packed. People were loud. The stadium was full of gold with, as my friend put it, chicken pox dotted around. People were sitting in the aisles. It was packed. The atmosphere was A++. Best in my memory.

Kudos to fans on both sides. There was hardly any poor behavior that I saw. The UGAg fans around me seemed pretty respectful and cheered hard for their squad, as I would expect. We were much louder than them. I enjoyed seeing two bands play at half.
I have, for 2 years, been very hard on the O line coach. I do think the O line did better this year than expected.

I think they will be bigger next year, but unless changes are made I don't know why we expect them to be better?

Running back worries me. TC is not as big as PJ. PJ has played his guts out for years and yet he still has suffered from injuries. I don't think any back we have now will be able to survive a whole season, without game missing injuries, if PJ could not in this system. I think things will remain as is on the O. Our production most likely will not improve and we will continue to expect Tenuta and the D players to do the impossible every game.
Going into the year the OL was my #1 worry but they were a pleasant surprise. The coaching and talent was better than i predicted. Still not enough to make up for ST or OFF play as a whole