Greg Gathers


Declared dead for tax purposes.
May 20, 2003
Does anybody know the true status of Gathers? It isn't looking good for him and I hate that. Just was really hoping to see him back.

Gathers Pic
Been wondering the same thing.
quote by JJ:
It isn't looking good for him and I hate that

I haven't heard anything other than he has yet to be cleared medically. That was a while ago. Has there been any new news?
Last I heard, the docs haven't cleared him not because of concern about contact, but rather dehydration. The coaches are proceeding as though he will not play, but they hope he will be able to at some point.
If you can't practice, how can you play? Hopefully he can provide leadership off the field as well.
I hope for Greg's sake he has an opportunity to play. This is a fine young man and an excellent player who exemplifies all that's good in GT's student/athlete!
John Hollis, GT beat writer for the AJC, says that "Greg Gathers kidney condition may be worse than a year ago". This was said live on Hollis' interview with the BYU flagship station, KLS in Provo, Utah.