GT Appealing NCAA ruling...

Clough: "..there are some issues that should be re-evaluated."

I shouldn't read anything into this, as I am not a lawyer or a fan of a habitual violator(uga), but I guess this means that we will be appealing a lot or a little, right?

I hope it won't simply be a trivial issue where we try to save face by saying we appealed.
Thanks for bringing that to our attention. I'm wondering now who will be representing Ga Tech's best interest in this matter. Will it be the "Hill" doing it or will we have an attorney to represent GT?
HEY LAW-BEE!! Help us out here.
I think they have some lawyer out of Ohio? This guy is suppose to be pretty sharp. He use to be on the NCAA board.

Hopefully we will get a little back. I think that is fairly common in these types of cases.

You hope GT hired the best lawyer available. The amount of money on the table is HUGE.
I'm glad they are, but aren't these terms what we self imposed?....if so, how can you appeal terms you set? surely, there was more added that I'm unaware of or forgot. Thanks.
we self imposed but then they added more. We are appealing what they added.

I was looking at the law firm's bio

Our high quality work product is also recognized as a great value. We offer "big city" expertise at business-friendly rates, an attraction for a surprisingly varied clientele.

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is GT trying to save $$$$?


If anybody is in the know please post that this guys is considered the best.

IT IS INEXCUSABLE to not hire the best lawyer. Price should not even be a consideration.

I have to wonder if Tolley was running this process if it would be handled differently.
No, we self imposed scholarship reductions per year, but not to the total. Meaning we would only recruit 19 instead of 25 this year, but our total could still be 85. They set a hard limit on the total at 85...big difference. They also want to vacate our records for like 6 years. We didn't agree or suggest anything like that.
They set a hard limit on the total at 85...big difference.

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Isn't that supposed to be 79?

I know what Darrell Royal of texas "fame" would do, just literally run off the upper classmen he didn't need anymore to make room for the new guys. All Class, coach!
Thats good that we're going to appeal, but don't get too excited. It could still gey pretty ugly! I cant believe that CCG would do this! He'd be fired for it if Braine wasn't in the hot seat!
I cant believe that CCG would do this! He'd be fired for it if Braine wasn't in the hot seat!

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Chan Gailey do what?