GT folding chairs


Varsity Lurker
Jul 18, 2003
The Kroger on Hwy 306 in Cumming have the folding chairs for $21. The same ones that sell for about $40 everywhere else. I just picked up 4
Thanks for the heads up. I will check our local Kroger.
Ate at Crackerbarrel on I85 at Jimmy Carter today. To my surprise there was as much GT items for sale as UGAG.
Our Crackerbarrel in Douglasville dosent even have Tech stuff! but many a rockin chair with UGAg stuff on them...
Walked into the WalMart in Perry the other day while waiting for Mom to finish dialysis;Lo and behold right at the front entrance was a display of college caps w/ the GT cap sporting an embroidered YELLOW JACKET on the proper old gold background(entire cap is old gold), put my $5 down right away and wore it out the door!!
If anyone knows where to go here in Augusta/Evans for some good GT stuff let me know. Academy is about the only decent place I know of.
That's the main place I can think of techjacket. Ever since Hometown closed, there hasn't been a place to get a lot of things other than UGAy. I will say that Lids in the mall of course has a few hats, but nothing to speak of really. I'm excited about the new stuff online in the Tech store.

I never realized you were from Evans. Are you from there originally?
No, my wife is from North Augusta and we moved up here from Valdosta in '99 so she could get closer to her family.