GT Football Alums Discuss Duke Game


Sep 26, 2007
I stumbled into this on Twitter tonight, had never heard of it before. It's called Huddlecast and apparently it is run by Taylor Bennett and Bret White. This week's guest is AJ Smith.

Interesting listen, some complaints along the lines of the average Joes found on message boards but also some detailed thoughts from former players.

Huddlecast- Duke Game Recap
Taylor Bennett. LOL!!! You've got to be kidding me. Taylor ööööing Bennett?????
some complaints along the lines of the average Joes found on message boards
Sure, they'll say that stuff since they're athletes in public, but let them register anonymously on this forum, say it to our accounts and see what happens.

I am actually curious what they said though, can't listen to the podcast tonight. And it struck me as strange as well that TB is doing a podcast about Tech. Cool, just unexpected.
I liked it but Bennett offered a WTF moment when he talked about finding ways to get playmakers like Summers the ball more Saturday.

It's gonna be a couple weeks at least before Summers gets the ball again.
Why the Taylor Bennett hate? He spent most of his career here, and although he wasn't good, he was a Tech man. Can you really blame him for transferring when Paul Johnson came in? He had absolutely no shot of ever playing for us again.
Gotta love when guys complain about a former player. Like it was his fault he was the best on the roster at that position at that time.