GT is recognized out West



I was doing some engineering work in Sacremento and was wearing mt GT hat, (black with big old gold GT). One of the parent companies directors came up and asked me if that was a Georgia Tech hat that I was wearing. Why hell yes it is I said. He proceeded to tell me that he had played at Oregon (state I think) and they had played TECH and just got run all over. That proved to be a beneficial relationship that started because of GT's athletics.

Also, I was skiing in Telluride over Christmas one year. Wearing the same old GT hat. I walked into a store off of main street (some kind of a hardware store). I was looking for some lighter gloves to cruise town in other than ski gloves. The store was closing early (it was Christmas Eve) anyway the proprietor of the store say my hat. Same question "Is that a Georgia Tech hat?" Why yes it is. That old man pulled out some Wild turkey and started talking about Bobby Dodd, and asked me to share a shot or two. Good stuff.

So go out WEST. They already know who you are. Show up play hard. Kick ass. Great to be a YellowJacket!

Lots to do in San Francisco.
That old man pulled out some Wild turkey and started talking about Bobby Dodd, and asked me to share a shot or two. Good stuff.

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I've got this image in my mind of TechRex moseying on up to the bar in some ghost town saloon that looks right out of a Clint Eastwood western. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif
I could not find where we had played Oregon or Oregon St. in regular season or a bowl game. That being the case I am in error on the school. However, this has been many years ago, the alternate is most likely Cal or Stanford, I think Cal is located between Sacremento and San Francisco. My mistake on the school but the incident did happen and I just pointed it out to give an example of the recognition that GT has.
I could not find where we had played Oregon or Oregon St. in regular season or a bowl game. That being the case I am in error on the school. However, this has been many years ago, the alternate is most likely Cal or Stanford, I think Cal is located between Sacremento and San Francisco. My mistake on the school but the incident did happen and I just pointed it out to give an example of the recognition that GT has.

[/ QUOTE ]We've never played Oregon or Oregon St according to the media guide.

How old is the guy? Wake Forest hammered Oregon in a bowl a few years ago - I sincerely hope that he wasn't confusing us with them.
Looking back at the record book, GT did play Cal four times in the 30's, also once in '78. That being said, I understand your point about the west coast recognition.
Good stuff. A similar story: my family lived in Switzerland for 3 years in the late 90's. One year, the McDonald's restaurants ran a promotion giving away what they called "American football caps" (actually, something like "Amerikanerisch fussball hueten"). They were actually baseball caps with college logos on them...6 different schools...and GT was one of the 6, along with Florida, Notre Dame, Southern Cal, Tennessee, and (I think) North Carolina. Every time you went into a Mickey D's, at least one of the employees was wearing a Tech cap. How cool is that?
Every time you went into a Mickey D's, at least one of the employees was wearing a Tech cap. How cool is that?

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It's pretty sad if we can get the McDonald's in Switzerland to carry our stuff but yet every McDonald's in ATLANTA is covered in Dawg gear during football season...sheesh.
I think you had a lot more of that Wild Turkey than you think you did, but that's OK!! DRINK THAT WHISKEY CLEAR!!!

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I am positive that Tech has never played Oregon or Oregon State. But you don't suppose the fellow had in mind our friends in Athens? Back in the early 70s Oregon brought a team to Athens in September that predicatably wilted in the heat and the Dogs ate them up. As I recall Buzz Rosenberg ran a punt back about a 1/2 mile for a td. Just a thought