GT Radio in Athens

Wreck Em

Sep 3, 2010
Going to make this quick, and sorry if it's too look at me, but yall are the only people I know who would know this.
I work as a dishwasher in Athens (I know, I know) and so far have missed the games because data coverage is bad back there. So I bit the bullet and got a portable radio. What is a station that will pick up the game from the Athens area? I know there's a list on RW but it's extremely out of date and almost all of the listings dont carry GT football anymore.
I wont be able to watch any of the games on TV or in person for at least this year, so I'd love to be able to listen to some if anyone knows of any stations that would come through in the cesspool.
It would help making the hype videos easier too, so I get an idea of where the good plays would be in the video.
Going to make this quick, and sorry if it's too look at me, but yall are the only people I know who would know this.
I work as a dishwasher in Athens (I know, I know) and so far have missed the games because data coverage is bad back there. So I bit the bullet and got a portable radio. What is a station that will pick up the game from the Athens area? I know there's a list on RW but it's extremely out of date and almost all of the listings dont carry GT football anymore.
I wont be able to watch any of the games on TV or in person for at least this year, so I'd love to be able to listen to some if anyone knows of any stations that would come through in the cesspool.
It would help making the hype videos easier too, so I get an idea of where the good plays would be in the video.

You can also use the gameday app on a cell phone.
You can also use the gameday app on a cell phone.
Thank you, but I tried that. We dont get good data reception at all in the back of the store so it doesnt even work. Believe me I've tried.
Actaully, Athens is the only place I can find work. It's surprisingly less Rednecky than anywhere in my county.

That's kind of like being the smartest kid in summer school. Hell, I might give you a job if you are wanting to move.
That's kind of like being the smartest kid in summer school. Hell, I might give you a job if you are wanting to move.
I appreciate it, but right now I dont have a car or even a place to stay on my own, so I'd need to be better off financially before I could move. I do appreciate it though, and hopefully I won't be washing dishes for too many more years, lol.