GT/UNC Hype Video

I liked it but you could have left out the "after yet another loss" and the "try to avoid a losing record" parts. Being reminded does not hype me up. Too negative.. Just sayin...
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I liked it but you could have left out the "after yet another loss" and the "try to avoid a losing record" parts. Being reminded does not hype me up. Too negative.. Just sayin...

True but those things are facts:cool:
Not hyped. Ball sack shriveled up in the opening seconds.
I think you'd have a better career as a sled on the practice field. Solid 0 video.
I don't have a problem. Just giving a little constructive criticism. You do a great job making them.

We don't give criticism to wreck em. We let her whine and pretend it didn't happen.
That opening was hilarious. I felt like I was watching the trailer for The Passion of the Christ.
Great video. It's unfortunate that we played so poorly in our last two games that not a single highlight from REAL competition was included.
Then make videos if you have a problem. Otherwise, I do what I see fit.

We don't give criticism to wreck em. We let her whine and pretend it didn't happen.

Ok, my bad. I will remember that in the future. But is it a "hype" video or a whine video? :turbonoes:
Downer Debbie = 3 of the 4 or 5 stars in the vid are out.
Everybody is a little on edge this week. We need a W quick or things could really get ugly.