GTAA - What The Hell Is Going On & Why Don't They Want My Money?


Oct 1, 2017
Disclaimer: I attended Ga Tech in the late 70's, did not graduate from Tech, but have been a huge basketball and football fan since my days in Atlanta. I recently relocated closer to Atlanta after stints in California and Texas and have started to attend many more Tech games in person than in the past. With that as background, and noting that I don't have much time to spend on StingTalk, I will leave it to the moderator as to where this article should live on the forum (Note: I posted this as a "new thread" because I think this topic is very important and deserves singular priority).

Ok, so here's the story. On 1/10/18 I told a GTAA guy I'd donate to the new football recruiting effort and mailed off a check that night (actually put in my local PO's box for quicker pickup) as he said he'd comp me a ticket to the Virginia game if he got the check in time. On 1/18, the day of the Virginia game, apparently the check had still not been received nor cashed. I live less than 2 hours from Atlanta. I finally had to call my bank and cancel the check a week later.

Being a man of my word, and actually getting a Virginia ticket (which in itself was a whole other experience and a not too pleasant "will call" experience ... but I don't want to digress from the main story line) I wrote another check this time being absolutely positive the address was correct. Two weeks later this check too had not been cashed. Neither letter was returned to me. Apparently, both donation checks just evaporated into thin air. This has never happened to me once in my life, let alone twice - and to the same receiver: GTAA!

I finally thought, this is friggin ridiculous. Something that should be fun and full-filling has turned into a stressful issue regarding my time to figure out - why aren't my checks getting cashed and at what point do I call the bank and cancel them? Grrrrrrr.....

So at this point the engineer in me wants to fix the problem - i.e. trace the check from whoever opens the mail and try to figure out where this (simple...) process is broken. So I pull up the GTAA directory and start dialing numbers on Thursday afternoon. With number after number - no one answers and I get message machines. Huh!? I finally leave a message to the executive assistant - "Hey, I am mailing in checks, they aren't getting cashed, what's going on? Please call me."

No call-back on Thursday nor all day Friday. Seriously?

Seems like there are a couple possibilities (or at least two main ones):

1) The entire GTAA staff goes to lunch on Thursday (Wednesday?) and that's it for the week or
2) They just don't care that much about donations or contacting donators.

Neither one sits well with me. Full disclosure - the check(s) were only for $100. But they don't know me ... they don't know if I'll do that once a year or once a month, or add some zeros to it. Or make another donation to basketball ... or to the College of Electrical Engineering. But the amount really isn't the issue. And it makes me wonder, is this happening to anyone else? How many people may have just thrown up their hands and said to hell with this, I give up? Because that is exactly where I'm at right now.

Then what is the deal with all the people at high-levels in the GTAA that didn't even graduate or flunk out of GT (but likely still love the school)? How can the GTAA expect Big-10 school graduates to work like hell for GT (and put their heart and soul into it...) when the Big-10 already gets their ass regularly kicked in the Big10/ACC challenge with Georgia Tech's b-ball residing in the cellar? Maybe Tech beating NorthWestern this year on a last second shot is cause for grave concern on their part?

Do we think for a minute that either North Caroline or Duke has a non-alumni in key "donations" positions? Or UGA? I seriously doubt that. And as for the excuse that the GTAA cannot afford to hire a GT graduate because they make too much, bullshit. Not only do NC, Duke, and UGA students do pretty decent on their own, but there have got to be some big GT fans out there like me who would be happy as hell to work for the GTAA and put their enthusiasm to work for the school. What a great job to have - if nothing else to get to go to all the games!

The bottom line is over the years I have written many checks to the school I ended up graduating from (Louisiana Tech), my parents' colleges, and to many charities as well. I *always* get a prompt thank you response, a tax receipt, and an envelope for the next donations. At Louisiana Tech, if I write a check for the new Electrical Engineering Building, that is where it goes. For scholarships, that is where it goes. For sports, that is where it goes. Tech? They don't even cash my checks and I get no response at all that it has even been received! And neither of the letters came back to me via the return address sticker. They apparently were just "lost" forever.

Thus my title: what in hell is going on with the GTAA? Maybe the same entity that sent out the "support UGA against Alabama" message has corrupted the GTAA. That sure doesn't say much for a school that prides itself with "great engineering" and should have excellent cyber-security and IT infrastructure. But then again, if they can't even cash a check ....
@GTKlaus - I've been donating and mailing checks to the GTAA since 1986 (yes, sometimes I still mail a check for my combined AT Fund contribution and season ticket - it depends). I have never had an issue - not in 30+ years.

Now that isn't to say you don't have a legit issue but I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish by posting a diatribe that amounts to little more than some misplaced mail. Honestly, based on what I have read, I would first suspect your local post office. The only other option is that the GTAA is receiving letters with checks enclosed and somehow failing to cash them. Which is more likely?

I appreciate your loyalty to GT and your determination and urge you to consider using a credit card and paying online or call an AT fund rep (I'll give you a name and number by PM if you like) and he will take your information over the phone and apologize profusely for the misunderstanding.

Don't look for a reason not to give - look for a way to make your generosity make a difference.
00Burdell - I appreciate the feedback, but at the same time I am obviously not looking for a "reason not to give". I am trying to figure out why my checks are not being cashed. As for my local post office, I have paid three of my monthly bills via check for a couple years now (an estimated 72 mailings). Not one hasn't been cashed. Yet two of my checks to the GTAA have not been cashed. So what is "more likely" happening in your opinion?

What I was trying to accomplish with my "diatribe" was more than simply check handling. It was about the GTAA phones not being answered, messages not being returned, and the number of non-Tech folks involved in the GTAA.

But hey, no worries, apparently I am the only one who sees an issue here so I will stfu and go away. lol Thanks for your time.
00Burdell - I appreciate the feedback, but at the same time I am obviously not looking for a "reason not to give". I am trying to figure out why my checks are not being cashed. As for my local post office, I have paid three of my monthly bills via check for a couple years now (an estimated 72 mailings). Not one hasn't been cashed. Yet two of my checks to the GTAA have not been cashed. So what is "more likely" happening in your opinion?

What I was trying to accomplish with my "diatribe" was more than simply check handling. It was about the GTAA phones not being answered, messages not being returned, and the number of non-Tech folks involved in the GTAA.

But hey, no worries, apparently I am the only one who sees an issue here so I will stfu and go away. lol Thanks for your time.
no one is saying "stfu and go away".

You just have to realize that no one except you really uses checks anymore. The world has moved on. Do you just really like going to the post office?
no one is saying "stfu and go away".

You just have to realize that no one except you really uses checks anymore. The world has moved on. Do you just really like going to the post office?

@Diseqc - I typically use my mailbox .. I went to the PO the first time because I wanted it to get there ASAP and was going to the store so it was on my way.

But all that is beside the point. If Tech wants to raise money it seems as though a check should suffice, right? No problem at all for the other colleges I donate to. I have spent more time trying to make this one donation to Tech than to all my other donations combined. Never had a problem. If Tech doesn't accept checks, they should have let me know on the phone before I slipped it in the mail.

Anyhow, no problem. If the folks that actually graduated from Tech have no problems with any of the issues in my initial post, then why should I? Thx
To the OP, those of us who DID graduate from GT simply gave up trying to figure out why the GTAA does or does not do what it does many moons ago. It's a bit like trying to scoop up mercury or explain the Illuminati. Calculus? yeah, we can do that...but the mystery of the GTAA and its ways elude us. However, as you have noticed, when you question it or its mysterious ways, its alter boys and acolytes will rally in it's defense. We have no room for infidels here. Never question the GTAA and you will be OK and welcomes into the fold. To question is to blasphemy and there is no room in the inn for the unbelievers. So, get in line and just quit already with the questions. All will be well and these mysteries will be revealed in time.
@Damn Good Rat - lol. Thanks for your (very well written...) contribution. I am learning!!

And cheer up Andrew - apparently I am the only one who donates by check so the GTAA (and football recruiting initiative) is only out $100!
Btw, I should have mentioned that I went down to the North Carolina football game this year without a ticket. I was standing outside the ticket office at the stadium hours before kick-off and this young lady (quite attractive) with a GTAA badge came up and asked if she could help me. I said I needed a ticket to the game ... she asked if I was a Tech fan, and I said absolutely. She called her friend over and they gave me a ticket. I said how much, they said don't worry about it. I said let me buy you a breakfast burrito or donut and coffee or something and they said "just have fun! Bye!" And they took off. So that was nice of the GTAA!
no one is saying "stfu and go away".

You just have to realize that no one except you really uses checks anymore. The world has moved on. Do you just really like going to the post office?

@GTKlaus lives in an underground bunker stocked with provisions. He texts by carrier pigeon and we had a long telegraph session about his GTAA experience yesterday.
@8384 - yeah, I guess I am Steely Dan's Third World Man ("Johnny's playground is a bunker filled with sand..."). My bad for thinking an athletic program requesting donations would take anything: cash, check, cc, stock certificates, gold & silver bars and coins, or even bitcoin - and be grateful. But I guess it would be a pain to take a single $100 check down to the bank - not really worth the trip in ATL traffic. All this technology ... I am just so overwhelmed! lol

But all kidding aside, GT certainly stands out as compared to all the other checks I have sent to colleges and charities over the years - all of which were received, promptly cashed and acknowledged. And it doesn't explain the lack of any reply like "thanks, but we don't accept checks". FYI - I pay all my bills online except for utility bills which charge me a fee for using my credit card. So yeah, I sometimes use checks. But hey, live and learn ... I got the message. I'll adapt. Thought I was being constructive. Apparently not ... so I apologize for the long winded post that wasted peeps time. Go Jackets!
@8384 - yeah, I guess I am Steely Dan's Third World Man ("Johnny's playground is a bunker filled with sand..."). My bad for thinking an athletic program requesting donations would take anything: cash, check, cc, stock certificates, gold & silver bars and coins, or even bitcoin - and be grateful. But I guess it would be a pain to take a single $100 check down to the bank - not really worth the trip in ATL traffic. All this technology ... I am just so overwhelmed! lol

But all kidding aside, GT certainly stands out as compared to all the other checks I have sent to colleges and charities over the years - all of which were received, promptly cashed and acknowledged. And it doesn't explain the lack of any reply like "thanks, but we don't accept checks". FYI - I pay all my bills online except for utility bills which charge me a fee for using my credit card. So yeah, I sometimes use checks. But hey, live and learn ... I got the message. I'll adapt. Thought I was being constructive. Apparently not ... so I apologize for the long winded post that wasted peeps time. Go Jackets!

Dude you are missing the point. Complaining about GTAA here is like preaching to the choir. We’ve all had issues with GTAA. We just come to expect it.
@8384 - yeah, I guess I am Steely Dan's Third World Man ("Johnny's playground is a bunker filled with sand...").

as I alluded to above, GT fans have an irrational loyalty to what has proven to be an inefficient, unimaginative and unresponsive organization over the years and will quickly rebuke anything that is perceived as critical towards it. It is an emotional response that flies in the face of otherwise rational and logical engineering thought. 'Dear ol' alma mater" and that sort of emotional nonsense. If GTAA was a private entity, it would have gone belly up years ago.

You point out that GT makes it difficult to donate. Instead of shaking our heads in disbelief (what responsible business or nonprofit organization makes it difficult to provide donations?), we try to rally to the defense of the GTAA and imply that, somehow, you are at fault. It's irrational behavior but it is commonplace so do not feel like you are singled out. I have had similar experiences with the GTAA. And the same reaction from GT fans when discussing my experiences. My opinion is that if you have wampum, scalps,beads and fur pelts that are worth X dollars and you want to GIVE them to an organization with no strings attached, a responsible organization will communicate with you, relieve you of the burden of conducting business, and facilitate that transaction. Apparently you and I are in the minority on this,
as I alluded to above, GT fans have an irrational loyalty to what has proven to be an inefficient, unimaginative and unresponsive organization over the years and will quickly rebuke anything that is perceived as critical towards it. It is an emotional response that flies in the face of otherwise rational and logical engineering thought. 'Dear ol' alma mater" and that sort of emotional nonsense. If GTAA was a private entity, it would have gone belly up years ago.

You point out that GT makes it difficult to donate. Instead of shaking our heads in disbelief (what responsible business or nonprofit organization makes it difficult to provide donations?), we try to rally to the defense of the GTAA and imply that, somehow, you are at fault. It's irrational behavior but it is commonplace so do not feel like you are singled out. I have had similar experiences with the GTAA. And the same reaction from GT fans when discussing my experiences. My opinion is that if you have wampum, scalps,beads and fur pelts that are worth X dollars and you want to GIVE them to an organization with no strings attached, a responsible organization will communicate with you, relieve you of the burden of conducting business, and facilitate that transaction. Apparently you and I are in the minority on this,
or you know
anyone under the age of 50, just doesn't use checks
we have the technology
Dude you are missing the point. Complaining about GTAA here is like preaching to the choir. We’ve all had issues with GTAA. We just come to expect it.

coit/rat - I appreciate the feedback. I am new and learning. I'll adapt to the realities I have experienced. But with Duke coming up tonight, I find myself wondering if I wrote a check for a Duke donation, would it get cashed? I think the answer is most certainly "yes", Further, I would bet my vintage 1977 "North Avenue Trade School" t-shirt (now retired) the athletic association at Duke is dominated by Duke alumni.

But I think I'll switch over to the Rain Drop CJP thread ... which is very entertaining and a lot funnier sbject ... the "jizz shirt" being the "wrong shade of gold" ... lol! Thx guys - appreciate the comments.