
I was coming here to post this.


Beestorm's Garage
Apparently we don't just run the state, we run Todd Gurley too.
Their revisionist historians are one of a kind. I guess when your bitch ass is injured and you can't play and your team loses to Tech, you didn't lose to Tech.

ööööing idiots.
I'm not sure what it is, but that guy looks too intelligent to be Gurley.
Love it - should make all the gaggers use this as their desktop background
Am I the only one offended by this?
He isn't fit to wear our colors, but his personal shame outweighs the shame of having him defile our merchandise I think. Also, bets like this still mystify me. I don't care how certain I was that we were going to win a game, I could never make a bet which could result in me wearing red and black.
He isn't fit to wear our colors, but his personal shame outweighs the shame of having him defile our merchandise I think. Also, bets like this still mystify me. I don't care how certain I was that we were going to win a game, I could never make a bet which could result in me wearing red and black.

I ain't mad that he's wearing it. He gave me hours of entertainment during the autographgate thing.
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