is time for us to dig in and unify..


Sep 24, 2002
Not for the good of any one person...but for the good of the school and all of the kids that represent Georgia Tech in our sporting events and in the classroom.

We are facing a PR disaster...and we need to privately encourage the powers that be to fight that accordingly.

We need to stand behind and support Coach Gailey. He is signed for another 5 him or is done...and you cannot change it. Quite frankly, he is probably the best guy to lead us through this revival and perception change that will have to take place, while also providing the opportunity to win. There may be other changes...just sit back and spouting needed.

Publicly complaining and whining will do nothing but do further harm to the program. Take your complaints privately if you have any.

The kids...and the school...need a lot of positive reinforcement at this point...and we need to show this at the stadium in Miami our stadium against UGA...and in the bowl game. We also need to accept some things and move forward on public domains such as this one.

We need every edge we can get right now. So...lets support the people and kids that make up Georgia Tech right now...anything else is a distraction and will not be fruitful.
good post, but a question... why is Gailey the right man to lead us through a "revival" as you put it when he has not revived anything since being here..and this occured without bad pr and loss of scholarships to the program?
good post, but a question... why is Gailey the right man to lead us through a "revival" as you put it when he has not revived anything since being here..and this occured without bad pr and loss of scholarships to the program?

[/ QUOTE ]

Again...this is a tough period...stability will be vital. Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees...he is our man and the coaches, players, etc. do not need the distractiosn in the public arena. I admire his dedication to wanting to guide us through...he is not doing it for money alone because he has plenty of it...he loves Georgia Tech.
he is not doing it for money alone? easy to say when your salary is over $1 million/year. Spurrier loves Florida...but he just beat his old school by his new one bc they pay his salary.
I agree with your recommendation hivered. We are facing a PR disaster. We should circle the wagons and fight against everyone attacking our people within the circle.

I have talked with Coach Gailey on several occasions, and I agree with your statement that he loves Georgia Tech. His love for his players is similar to that of a father.

His recognition of the uniqueness of GT academics in the athtletic arena, his gentle and kindly approach to everyone, and his stability and dependability will give some assurance to our present players and those being recruited that we are not going to let the NCAA bring us down.
Well I see you go for the rah rah for the home team speech. Your response is what makes this all so hard to take for me. Chan just led us through self-induced probation pretty affectively but a portion of our base just can't see it. We're going into regular probation, which will affect us for about 5 years and all our fans are going to do is whine and not try to understand the limitations at all.

Miami in probation went from 11-0 and NC to 7-4 for a few seasons. It is not that unreasonable to accept that for GT these numbers could mean a 9-2 great regular season down to 5-6 during probation.