Happy Endings?


Varsity Lurker
Nov 29, 2018

Maybe if the dwags had stepped up and given Fromm a happy ending he wouldn't have gone pro?

News out of Foxborough is that Fromm is at the top of Robert Kraft’s list go replace Brady
Dude is laid up, harder than a carton of newports, and issues a challenge to all of mankind

"Wish yall would make me cum"

How ominous. Numbed by his own magnificence, hes resorted to directing his barbed lamentations at all of us. we're all in his reticles. he's heaved the gauntlet into the bleachers. saying basically "If only one amongst you could interpret the schematic of my loins and operate this splendid cock, then I could forgive you all for being splinters in my reality". It's a melancholy petition to us all

What a lonely island Jake must live on
What am I looking at in that picture? Is that a pudgy, pantless (but wearing a shirt), unshaven woman standing behind him?