Has Buzz been working out?

Another question - when did he start wearing adult diapers? I didn't know they came in black.
i doubt buzz is just one person.. i was my high school mascot and we had like 4 other people that would do it
No, I think it's time to move on. It's a funny play on the original meaning of yellow jackets, but it isn't nearly as intimidating as our official mascot - the Ramblin' Wreck - or previously the Golden Tornadoes.

By that logic the Wreck and the Budweiser song should be retired.
No, I think it's time to move on. It's a funny play on the original meaning of yellow jackets, but it isn't nearly as intimidating as our official mascot - the Ramblin' Wreck - or previously the Golden Tornadoes.
Let’s get rid of Buzz in lieu of a clear bottle of whiskey as a mascot…with drunk cheerleaders draped all over him.
Looks like some beer drinking 55 year old dude that bought a Buzz outfit and wandered onto the field.