Has the Triple O been "defanged"?


Helluva Engineer
Feb 6, 2003
Have the opposition DC's finally figured out HOW to defend the TO--or--is it OUR ineptness that is causing our offense to SPUTTER? Our running game is a SHADOW of last years. :hsugh:
No. We can't block. Our OL is weak and slow. They are supposed to be quick and strong.
It's always been defanged when facing physical superiority (at least to THIS degree) on the LOS.
I actually thought about that last night. If we switched to a pro set, and a traditional drop back quarterback; we would be getting blown up by those linebackers whistling through the gaps in our OL. Combine that with dropped passes and a pro set offense would get throttled.

This year's offense appears to have been figured out; but I don't think it is because we are running an option offense; it is because we are not running an option offense effectively.
The issue with Wake is that they have been cut blocking for YEARS, thus are very experienced at getting off cut blocks. If you think about it, every team that defends us well is very good getting off cut blocks.

Its the blocking scheme that needs work.
I don't get it. There is no magic key to unlock this offense. It is just like any other offense. If everyone on the offense doesn't execute, it leaves openings for the defense to take advantage of, plain and simple.
Watching last night's game it's pretty damn clear that our O-Line has a lot to do with the problem. Most of the fumbles this season have been a product of the O-Line being knocked backwards off the ball. Defenses are getting to JFN too easily, they're getting too many hands and bodies into the running lanes. AA is getting stuffed and knocked around, JFN is not getting a clean snap, etc. etc. etc. Until our O-Line can get some momentum off the ball and knock the D-Line backwards, we are going to see more of the same.
I don't get it. There is no magic key to unlock this offense. It is just like any other offense. If everyone on the offense doesn't execute, it leaves openings for the defense to take advantage of, plain and simple.

It amazes me that our own fan base suffers from the same delusions that we make fun of other fan bases for having.

There is no special "blueprint" to defeating this offense. The key to stopping it is exactly like it is for other offenses. Win the physical matchups, especially in the trenches, and you'll likely win. Our guys just aren't (or can't) execute it to the level that they need to win every game.
Have the opposition DC's finally figured out HOW to defend the TO--or--is it OUR ineptness that is causing our offense to SPUTTER? Our running game is a SHADOW of last years. :hsugh:

No, Oline needs to play better.

Plus opposing Ds hadn't respected our passing game all year, and rightfully so. This allowed them to sell out on the run and shut us down.

Hopefully this game will build on an average passing game to keep the opposing D honest and let us have more space to run our bread and butter plays.
Yeah, no more posts like this please.

It's bad enough that some ignorant sports writers think there is a key to "figuring" out this offense, but we don't need out own fanbase buying that argument.

The triple option, like any other offense out there in the land, is going to sputter if you get beat on the line.

GT has a deep, but inexperienced line this year. More experience will come with every game and we should see some improvement.

OL is transitioning this year. Unfortunately, the OL is what makes the rest of the offense work.
Maybe we've hyped the spread option too much. If you're looking for a mythical offense where you don't have to block or catch passes, the spread option isn't it. It would help if we could do one of those things, since short passes help alleviate poor pass protection, but the receivers aren't catching any but the most perfect passes.
We have to prove to teams that we can throw the ball and cause damage. Then we'll be fine.
You must work for the AJC.
---NOPE--retired life-long Tech fan---old and nervous about our recent offense performance. The OL certainly has issues --but--they don't fumble and drop passes. Sure EXECUTION is the secret to ANY game plan--and I for one enjoy and appreciate a good running game OVER a passing attack. I guess it is just personnel issues--I love CPJ and his offense. :rolleyes:
Glass half full analysis of yesterday:

In the last three years, Wake Forest has played against the Paul Johnson spread option six times. Next week will make seven. They're very familiar with what we do, and with what Navy does. We'll have to see next weekend how well they handle Navy's offense. Jim Grobe is a smart coach and knows what he is doing. Add in the fact that Wake knows how to deal with cut blocks, with the fact that our O-line is awful and our receivers couldn't catch syphilis on Ponce Ave. last night, and you get the result. Is it acceptable? No. But it's not a sign that triple option has been figured out.