He Coaches like we're in the pros


Mar 10, 2004
He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

As long as we win, more than half of 'em we have a shot at the Superbowl. This isn't the frickin' pros...he needs to coach every game like it's his last...and if he keeps losing must wins ike this it soon could be.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

Hey guys, let's keep making seperate threads to make silly one-liners followed by incoherent supporting text!
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

You Suck...If you disagree with my text then dispute it, don't ridicule it.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

Ah. But it's alright for you to ridicule Chain Gailey with no real logic? You make alot of sense.

Your criticism of him is as pointless as it is baseless. I asked you in another thread how he coached more to "not lose" than he did to win today - and I'd appreciate an answer. Otherwise, keep your negative and incohesive remarks about Chan to yourself.

Freedome of speech is no excuse to spew senseless things such as "omg.. hes coaching like its the nfl lol am i rite".
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

Freedome of speech is no excuse to spew senseless things

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you, "The Jacket." When you want to take the literal high road, its best to use your spell check if you can't spell kat.

By the way, Chan Gailey has not proven that he can win a meaningful game. To his credit, he will not admit that any game is meaningful.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

Dear me. An extra e at the end of a word seems to be all that is needed to skip past the point and meat of my post, and head right into more senseless babbling.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

Dear me. An extra e at the end of a word seems to be all that is needed to skip past the point and meat of my post, and head right into more senseless babbling.

[/ QUOTE ]

The point is don't heckle someone's opinion by ridiculously pointing out someone's grammar errors on a chat board.
Your man, our coach would have most likely (I mean 98%) gotten his extension today with a win.
Don't be convinced that these concerns are unfounded.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros


The point is don't heckle someone's opinion by ridiculously pointing out someone's grammar errors on a chat board.

[/ QUOTE ]
Where in the flying hell did you see me point out any grammatical errors? Tell me, please.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

One way he coaches like that is with his ST play I think. We have all the momentum, our KO man has just put 2 (I think) KOs in the end zone. So what do we do? Pussyfoot a sky kick that gives the other team the ball on the 40! We were having to drive 85 yards after KOs, they only had 65 to 60 yards sometimes. I did not see one team on TV today do that crap.

There is overanalysis that has lead to paralysis.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

I agree. Gailey beehaves like a NFL coordinator trying to coach a competitive D1 college football team. Fits and starts. Doesn't always work. May not work.

I like Chan but he may beelong in the NFL.
Re: He Coaches like we\'re in the pros

I agree with the NFL criticism. There is a big difference in a playoff situation where you want to win enough to get in the playoffs and every loss is not critical. College football is not that way. Every game is crucial. I think it is a fair criticism of Gailey that his teams have not seemed ready to play week after week through an 11 game schedule.
How else to explain the incredible efforts and 2 W's against Auburn in the past three seasons and the lifeless effort against UVA last year and terrible 1st and 4th quarters this year?