help with GT UGA arguments


Feb 26, 2005
When we win today and I'm making fun of UGA fans with my friends (which yes, it'll be stupid and far from intelligent but it's a rivalry game so i'll be roudy and nuts once a year )...

how do I respond if they say stuff like "ohhh you FINALLY beat us..."

hahaha... dumb post but i don't care... help me with my ammunition
Oh, wanna talk about history? Not only is 45>42....4>1 or 2 or however many national championships you inbreds have.
Three words: High school offense. Remind them that a high school offense just dropped 400 on their asses. Then tell them that Larry Munson is a cocksucker.
On my way out of the stadium I told one guy that we had them beat on academics, job placement, and salaries, and now we beat them at football as well. I asked him what they had left...he responded by saying "At least we have class."

I almost died laughing.
Just say Georgia Sucks. After all, Tech sucks has always been their best response to any intelligent argument.