Here's a ditty...


Jolly Good Fellow
Oct 18, 2002
Here\'s a ditty...

Here's the scoop, 'bout a coach named Chan
An Americus kid, doin'best he can

He's seven and three, with one to go
His foes hate that, it messes their show

They dump on fans, while Chan they scoff
And all we say, "please buzz off"

They live in dreamland, and worship O?Leary
We?ve heard so much, we?re so freaking weary

They cite his record, and say it?s neat
But now we know, he was a cheat

Chan's ?cruits they boo, his coaching they blast
And wonder all day, how does he last?

They call us names, like Friends of Chan
But all we are, is G T fans

They know not what, a fan should be
And see no strength, in un-i-ty

They want new coach, to save our plight
They are too dumb, to know what's right

They whine and cry, and cannot see
How in the world, we're seven and three!

We salute and toast, our coach named Chan
For being at Tech, doin' best he can

Re: Here\'s a ditty...

Hot Diggidy Dog for the Ditty,
I like that, do another one for us. Thanks Bogey!
Re: Here\'s a ditty...

bogey, you have officially become the poet laureate of ST!
Let me know how to contact you in Augusta and the drinks are on me!

Re: Here\'s a ditty...

Thanks guys for the good words and my new position.
Eagle, if I ever get to Augusta, I will take you up on that drink.
