Hey, on the parking thread....


Helluva Engineer
Aug 29, 2003
I did not want to hijack so I createda new thread.

20 years ago I knew a guy who owed more money in parking tickets than he did anything else. You guessedit , THE MOVER, He was constantly borrowing money to pay parking tickets. One time he ran up a $300.00 tab on parking permits. I told him I wasn;t loaning it to him and he threatened to keep my UGAy ticket the next year. I PAYED!!

The ticket thing was b.s., but the parking ticket was not. Between parking tickets and domino's pizza, my ass went broke supporting him for 4 years.

GO TECH!!!!!!!! DRILL the pups!!!
LOL, yeah, paid my share in tickets and was towed a few times. I don't remember getting tickets my freshman year, but plenty the next few years. High correlation to when I was dating a certain ChE that I eventually married /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rockon.gif Most of the lots I used to get tickets in are gone now.

Let's just say that things haven't changed that much since Big John was on campus...
I don't know if they really would have done this, but I was told that I would lose my scholarship if my parking tickets weren't paid. They got paid. Thanks Mom!

I was so stupid. All of my tickets happened at the same spot. Next to the front door of Smith Dorm my freshman year.