Hmmmm.... Articles?

GT Adamni

Flats Noob
Dec 3, 2001
It seems like I've been posting a lot of these types of posts (suggestions) lately. Sorry about that, I know you guys already have enough things you are tying to work on.

Anyway, I was registering for the BYU board, and saw this:

Sorry, link doesn't work. Oh well.

Basically it is a way that fonts can submit posts as articles, and they will be listed on a separate page than the message board.

I thought it might be a good idea since we have several people (ahso, Axe, myself, and others) who seem to write article types of posts fairly often. I think it would help to prevent these types of posts from getting lost once they scroll down a little bit, and make it easier for less frequent visitors to find them.

Just thought I might put it out there. It seems like it might be a good idea that may (or may not) be fairly easy to set up.
We want these GREAT ARTICLES to stay part of the message board.

We are definitely looking into the best way to handle this.

I will look at the BYU board to see exactly what you are suggesting.
Eventually, we would like to have a main content page that has news and articles. But in order to do that, we would have to have a commited, steady stream of arriving articles. Right now, we don't get enough. As we grow in the future, we hope that some of you guys that live on campus will act as reporters/writers and provide us with that type of content. But right now, its probably more convenient for everyone to read the articles and news in the message board. Your comments on this are appreciated.
I like going to one place for football-and football only-posts, this seems to be a big advantage of stinGTalk. Maybe there could be some way to mark a post as a "long article", so that occasional readers could spot them using the "Show posts from X # of days" feature.
I have enjoyed the long articles and hope they keep coming.
Thanks GTadamni,

a good call on the articles

I believe this will be one more thing that improves stingtalk

thanks for your input