Honest question for beeware...

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Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2002
For Beeware to say Gailey can win him over is the same as Beeware saying he was wrong on his assumption about Gailey. He'll never admit he was wrong.
My question is certainly not bait. Nor did I post it expecting a certain response or even a certain type of response. I seriously want to get his answer and understand his position.

So many speak for him (as is obvious.) I already regret not making this a private message.
Originally posted by spellingbee:
My question is certainly not bait. Nor did I post it expecting a certain response or even a certain type of response. I seriously want to get his answer and understand his position.

So many speak for him (as is obvious.) I already regret not making this a private message.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Look, don't worry about it. We've been reading his crap for almost a year now and he's established enough patterns for people to predict what he'll say...something along the lines of "resume"..."braine's folly"..."shiite"...something like that. Many have asked BW a serious question and gotten squat for an answer.
I posed a similar question to him a few months back, actually "What will it take for you to admit Gailey is successful and a good hire?" To date he has not answered that question and therefore has no credibility whatsoever.
Sick to freakin' death of hearing about Beeware. Pull your head out of your butt.
If you are sick of hearing about BW, then please explain why you are reading this string addressed specifically TO him?
I'm also tired of hearing about BS BW and/or seeing his crap posted! I do get tired of it and feel badly for all the real Tech fans here!
I keep closing the threads and people start a new one.
I had a legitimate question for bw. As I stated as a quickly saw where the thread was going, I should have sent him a private message. Everyone on this board is not one who detests bw.

If he is "off-limits" then take him off the board, otherwise I should be able to inquire of him.

This is my first journey into the fray of bw threads. What bothered me from afar and has bothered throughout this thread is that bw is being discussed/attacked although his "presence" has not been made.

I have never seen this topic presented, and I was simply curious to see what he had to say--no foul there.

I inferred that some think my original post was simply to start the same "junk" again--I assure you it was not.

I enjoy this board and respect the opinions expressed here and intend to continue to "freely" post here. I hope that is not a problem.
Originally posted by spellingbee:

If he is "off-limits" then take him off the board, otherwise I should be able to inquire of him.

This is my first journey into the fray of bw threads. What bothered me from afar and has bothered throughout this thread is that bw is being discussed/attacked although his "presence" has not been made.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Are you saying Beeware needs to be taken off the board b/c you CANNOT call him out in public?

If you read something Beeware has posted and want to respond and/or comment that is one thing, however to create a thread to call out a member is something else.

If you are new/rare visitor and are not familiar then possibly this is just a misunderstanding. The quick update is Beeware has been removed from another GT board and there are MANY that would like him removed from Stingtalk.

On the other sider there are MANY that do not want him removed. As an administrator I strive to do what is best for the WHOLE stingtalk community.

For those who have followed stingtalk for awhile have probably noticed that Beeware has toned his rhetoric down a bit. IMO that is a good faith effort on his part.

The problem is when another member posts a NEW thread calling him out by name.

If you have a question for Beeware then you message him. If you have a comment about something Beeware has said then post it in the thread where Beeware said it.
I'm actually a daily (many times throughout the day) reader/poster and have followed the debacle from the beginning.

I was not "calling out" bw. Apparantly many thought I was. I have said twice already that I should have sent him a private message. I was not "engaging" bw in any way other than to ask him a simple question.

I have noticed and apprectiate the "new" tone with which bw posts and have no problem with him being here.

With my "off limits" comment which gtfan highlighted, I was simply stating that if I'm not allowed to post with him (or with any other "stinger") then why have that poster on here.

With this I digress; it has gotten too involved to enjoy which is why I come here in the first place.
the members, like yourself, that engage Beeware are NOT the same members that ask for him to be removed.

However over 1000 people read this site daily and your question leads others to email me and complain about Beeware.

I DO UNDERSTAND that Beeware has brought all this on himself with his harsh views, however like I said I am just trying to moderate for good of the WHOLE stingtalk community.
Anyone who dosen't want to hear or read posts having to do with beeware are perfectly free to ignore the posts. No one forces anyone to read beeware's post nor those who address him or comment on him.
Some of you posters actually exude a portrayal of one who has been designated as or self appointed as a judge or arbitrator as to what is "Cool" or "Acceptable" or" Not a Dead Horse Issue"on this board. You scan the posts and if every thing does not meet your particular criteria you rise up in righteous indignation and castigate either the poster or his ideas. This invariably will be followed by a gutter phrase. The pomposity that excudes from some of you gives rise to many of us to look for the nearest puke bag. It doesn't matter your chronological age, some of you prance around like toddlers carring around a pant load as you whine and lash out at anyone who doesn't satisfy your every whim.
You judge posters, coaches, players, administrators, fans, motives of others, ad infinitum. What is wrong with some of you people? Did someone mistakenly lead you to believe that the world is supposed to revolve around you? You spout uncivil words toward others, you show your immaturity. Some of you get your toys and go away for awhile and then return only to stir up more trouble. All I can say at present: If the shoe fits, wear it. For goodness sakes let's begin to act like adults and not
spoiled brats. Are you for Tech? Then act like it. And one of the best ways you can do this is to speak in a civil manner and quit showing your lack of vocabulary and civility. If you truly love Tech then you will speak in a respectful manner to others who are also lovers of Tech. There is a phrase that floats around describing certain people from time to time. They are referred to a "Tech Men". Tech Men are several notches above useing some of the trashy slang language that from time to time exudes from the minds of some on this board. Tech is above the gutter. Either get out of the gutter or get over into places like the Dog Vent. You will be much happier and so will the majority of this board.
and so as not to misinterpret what you are saying (you have to admit many of your posts leave considerable room for interpretation.)

As CCG and staff continue on their learning curve (no coach should ever complete the curve--when they do it's time to go, i.e. "dad-gummit",) and continue winning, and as (hopefully) this program becomes a perrenial winner (conf. championships, bcs, contenders for NC,) will you then throw your support to Gailey? OR...

Is this years "loss of a special season with CMAC" enough to make you forever a fan and supporter of the team (this I do not doubt) but not it's coaches?

In other words, can CCG ever win you over?
A great question indeed, but expect BW to answer with his dancing shoes on.
Thanks FOBD, I appreciate your support. I have been mostly silent during my long stay on this board and tried to show respect and courtesy to everyone posting. I greatly appreciate our Site Owners....they do a good job and tolerate a lot of infantile behaviour that shows here from time to time. I guess the proverbial "straw" finally hit my back. I think of a saying I heard some time ago. It is time: "get in or get out or get run over". This is an excellent board....one of the very best, and has some highly quality people on it. I only wish that all of us will more habitually take the lead of our wiser posters and learn to live together for the glory of Georgia Tech and its future.

I am a Focer and proud of it and will continue to be. Even if he does badly, my Southern roots teach me something that many have not embraced: LOYALTY. If he falls flat on his face and is terminated or forced to resign, I will still be his friend. I lost my great great grandfatherin "The War" and had one wounded in it, and another go through unscathed from start to finish. We don't turncoat in my family, we don't give up,and we stick together. I hope the new Tech generation will learn some of those valuable lessons. And I hope the older generation will get on board and stay on board.Thank you, and
God bless.
To prevent someone from having to follow up a couple of the best posts ever here at Stingtalk I think it is time to close this thread.
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