How big will the ND game be for recruiting?


Jolly Good Fellow
Oct 16, 2004
How big of an influence will the outcome of the ND game be for the remaining recruits & for recruiting momentum headed into next year...or years?
I am seeing that there will be several high profile recruits there & hoping that they will enjoy their time at the game & can see themselves one day playing on the flats....Not that this is different from any other year b/c there are always big games w/ big recruits...I was just curious about this game imparticular b/c of all the positive energy surrounding GT football recruiting efforts & some of the HIGH profile verbals we've gotten at this time....Please share your thoughts.
Well, because ND is a nationally televised game, simply playing it AT Tech gives GT publicity amongst recruits that is just super.

Winning the game will make a huge impression on the recruits that will last, since ND has gotten so much media hype in the preseason.

Losing the game won't hurt too badly (unless it's a blowout). It's a win/win situation for us with one of the wins being bigger!
"It's a win/win situation for us with one of the wins being bigger!"

Could have fooled me, I thought it was a "win win" for ND just to get the honor and priviledge to play GT again, and on top of that to do it at the WORLD FAMOUS Bobby Dodd Stadium.

I know those Irishmen will hold this time as a cherished moment to tell their grand kids about, if GT lets them live that long. LOL :))):biggthumpup:
it was a "win win" for ND just to get the honor and priviledge to play GT again, and on top of that to do it at the WORLD FAMOUS Bobby Dodd Stadium

You are sooo right, Rome....
Well considering that apparently before the game we will be at 16 commitments, I don't know how much affect the game itself will have. Having said that... I cannot wait to see recruiting next year too!!
If we beat ND I have no doubt it would pay dividends in the future. I am sure that our wins last year at Auburn and at Miami had to do something in the way of recruiting this year. Things like that stick in the minds of recruits..."wow, I want to be a part of that" least I hope so.
If Nesbitt and the two others commit to GT on August 30th, I'm sure there will be mention about it during the game. And then if we win, it can't help but result in people thinking "Wow, they just beat Notre Dame, and now they've got some great incoming talent..."
What is this "if we beat ND" nonsense? After we beat the hell out of Notre Dame 2008 recruits nationwide will be looking our way.

Book it!
I second Knox on his comment. It's not a question of if we will beat ND, it's a question of how many '08 blue chippers will be looking at us after we beat ND.
"Famous Bobby Dodd Stadium at historic Grant Field"
Get it right!!!
wilmoo said:
"Famous Bobby Dodd Stadium at historic Grant Field"
Get it right!!!

So now I've learned my wife's screen name. She is forever correcting me on my smelling, oops spelling etc and I knew if I'd be payshunt, she'd slip up and correct me here tooo.

Small werld guys, watch yur step. LOL :)))