I Am Pissed!!!!!! %$$&^@#!


Mediocre Poster
Jul 24, 2002
I have two passions in the fall. The first revolves around GT football and the second revolves around my love for hunting and being in the outdoors.

Well every year me and my buddy fly out to Western Oklahoma on the Kansas border to go deer hunting during Muzzle Loader season. Deer hunting in South GA is nice and everything, but here they don't have deer walking around that on average weigh in excess of 300 lbs.

Muzzle Loader season in Oklahoma usually starts Oct 21st and last through the 28th. It fit in perfectly with my plans to fly out there, hunt for 5 days and fly back here in time for the Miami game. I would miss our road trip vs. Clemson, big whoop. I can watch it on TV like I would anyway and still not miss a home game. Great way to end my vacation with a win over Miami after spending 5 days in the plains taking a monster deer.

Well the rancher just called me and told me that Oklahoma DNR decided to move the season back a week. So instead of flying out the 20th, we gotta fly out the 27th. The day before Miami at home.

The only thing that sucks about the Fall is having to choose between football and hunting. This time I gotta choose hunting.
hiveredtech said:
Bring your guns to the Miami game...you know the Miami players will ! :laugher:

Nice. Anyone know how you post a picture? Do you have to have it as a web address?
I have the same problem

I sympthize with you on this one, BOR. I love deer hunting and the seasons overlapping leads to some tough decisions. Also, opening day of dove season and opening day of football season are two of my favorite things and they almost always arrive together. This year I'm lucky in that I should be home in front of the tube with a cold one in my hand when the Jackets and Irish kick it off.
BarrelORum said:
Nice. Anyone know how you post a picture? Do you have to have it as a web address?

You can do either.

Go to User CP, then Edit Avatar. Then you choose whether to link or upload from computer.
BarrelORum said:
Nice. Anyone know how you post a picture? Do you have to have it as a web address?

Yeah, you have to upload your picture to a website.

Try this one: http://www.uploader.ws/

After you upload the pic, use the code from the first box, "BBCode Image Tags". Just copy and paste it directly.
This is my dilemma...

My first BOTD.. call it a KOTD...
Re: This is my dilemma...

BarrelORum said:
My first BOTD.. call it a KOTD...

My bad, uploader.ws must not allow hotlinking on Stingtalk.

I put it on a different site...here it is for you. Nice looking deer! :biggthumpup:

i hear ya about scheduling fb games without messing up your huntin'! try bama...our bow-season starts oct 14 this year. i have gotten in a mornin' hunt, then driven to bds in time for the game. happy huntin' to all of yall!