I can deal with the search.......


Helluva Engineer
Aug 29, 2003
committe, but DAMN, to have so many UGAy grads is utterly ridiculous. Whether they assume unbias or not, there work has to be done with the knowledge that they are searching for the next AD on The Flats. They will say it does not matter that GT is their in state rivalry, and that they are to do a job for GT, but in the end, IMO, it will be in the back of their mind whom they are searching for.

I just can not believe this is happening. For Clough to go out and hire this firm and bring them in OUR backyard is TOTALLY inexcusable.

We have 1 down, let's take the next step and get rid of Clough, and let the next replacement take care of itself.

This leads me even more to believe that clough could give a rats behind less about GT football.

My prediction now, is that we will get someone who has no clue on how to run the athletic department at GT. I hope I am wrong!!!!
I hope you are wrong too!

A couple of things on the search firm A) I don't think too many Tech folks are non technical headhunters. B)I don't think this search firm is doing any searching. For very high profile jobs like this, the employer usually forms their own list, and the search firm is a lot of window dressing other than doing background work and setting up meetings.
They may submit some of their own candidates, but most likely it's a pc thing.

Regarding our president, I agree.
I like to think that with this many UGA grads, no wonder they were low bidder for this project. A search firm is normally hired to do the grunt work only. I am sure we have GT folks calling the shots.
committe, but DAMN, to have so many UGAy grads is utterly ridiculous.

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To be honest, this whole debate is pretty lame. This firm is paid to do a job and they'll do it to the best of their ability bc it reflects on their company. Also, if GT were to stop doing business with people because of UGA degrees, then we'd be in a world of hurt. They are our Governors, lawyers, vets, teachers, pharmacists, etc..(heck, my dentist AND internist went to UGA undergrad..yuk) UGA puts out quality students like GT does, just in different lines of work. In this case, they are a national search firm. And third, I think that we as fan base dislike UGA more than they do us...and that stems from sports. They beat us in most sports year in and year out. They have a larger following...and a very good reputation for great looking co-eds. When I see debates like this search firm, it just plays right into the hands of us having an inferiority complex. I don't think we do as I'm a proud alum of ma Tech. However, there does appear to be a general mindset that exists in this regard.

IF we'd just beat them once in a while on the field, that would help. With Gailey, that isn't going to happen any time soon. If we don't win this year with the talent currently here, our depth, recruiting, and infractions is going to start to really show...and may keep their streak against alive for many years after this season. Critical year. period.
One of the principals is a Wake Forest/Harvard grad. I don't think this issue has any merit guys. As GeeTee said, they're a professional firm who lives on reputation. They can't throw a search and stay in business. BTW, they've done searches for Tech before, which is why Clough knows them. They've also done the President's search at UNC among others. They are evidently well connected in education circles.

But GeeTee, how does Chan play into this at all? Can you post on anything without bashing him? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nono.gif
But GeeTee, how does Chan play into this at all? Can you post on anything without bashing him? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nono.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

nope. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
nope. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Knock Knock. Who's there? Chan Sux!
I couldn't agree more. Just can't believe that the GT populus is allowing Clough to systematically tear down our football program. Is it possible that Clough secretly wanted this probation to happen and is using it to validate his Ivy League feelings? Is he going to wield it like a sword to anyone who opposes his vision?

We will know the answers to these questions when the AD is selected.

Vandy AD? Ivy league? Ugggh! Deliver us from evil!
After reading this whole debate, I can no longer say Tech fans are any smarter than U[sic]Ga fans. This whole conversation indicates that a large portion of Tech fans are not any more sophisticated or rational than U[sic]GA fans. Period. This level of idiocy demonstrates why I admire anyone who goes into college athletics administration---they have to put up with an inordinate amount of pre-school behaivor and rationality from so many fans.

It amazes me how few people have given any thought to how a search for such a high profile position works and how so many have been willing to bash the school they claim to support, for some cases out of general bitterness over failure in life and others in order to further a narrow agenda for one of many outstanding candidates.
I've noticed that a lot of posters seem to be assured of Clough's sincerity toward GT's best interest in his avenue of finding a replacement for DB. I've never met Pres Clough and most likely never will. I must say though that my impression of him from what I am reading is not all that good. I suppose there is some merit in the argument that if one hires a fox to guard the henhouse, one would not lose too many chickens to all of the other predators. But what about the fox that we hired originally? Will he leave us any chicks? Good Golly Gee Whiz, for the life of me I would have thought that there would be plenty of GT alumni who would be more than capable of doing a search for our new AD. Probably some would have done if for free, just to be of some help for their alma mater. Can't say for sure that they would but there is a possibilty anyway.
Yes, if this committee were to do a good job it would be a feather in their hat. What if they don't need anymore feathers though? What if they are willing to have a bad day on the search engine? Of all the people that I would have thought Clough would have brought in, it definitely would not have had any of our enemy involved. I don't care how many glorified members of UGA's alumni are around us, that doesn't mean we need any of them on this assignment. How much is this company charging GT for this supposed job they are to do? Could Clough be bucking for rolling Adams for the UGA job? There could be a TV mystery series around this mess. On top of having the dawgs involved, there are other enemy from our own conference involved too.
As someone has already stated that this committee is just to cover Clough's hind end, and that Clough will hire whomever he wants too, then isn't the expense of this committee a waste of money? Clough ought to be able to handle hiring an AD without needing a committee of outsiders being involved.
I'm off my soap box now, who's next?
Rome, you have to understand that most men of academia don't have rivals in the sense we think. They have colleagues.

I haven't met him either, but my guess is that he thinks football is just an extra curricular activity. Just a game of leisure.

I don't know if he understands that the revenue the Tech programs pull in, is in large part discretionary spending on the part of the school's fanbase.
Furthermore, I hope he understands that TV revenue is not automatic.

I know that W Clough is a lot smarter than many of us. I am a candidate for being #1 in that regard.
I do believe that Clough will act in a way that is in the best interests of Tech, in his opinion.

To me, that is the scary part.
I'm not worried about the search process. What we're doing is a routine way of screening candidates for a very high level, important decision. The search committee doesn't make any decisions...at most they recommend a group of candidates.

I do think that Clough has to understand how important football and athletics are to Tech. He did go to school there and you can believe he's been cornered by enough alumni to have it beaten into him. What I worry about though is whether he's got his own idea of how this can all work.

I mean, this is the same guy who thought removing the coaching staff from any contact regarding players' academics was a good idea. He had no idea that the only people who can keep players focused are their coaches. It's that academic view of the world that got us in trouble there and that might again. He's at risk of building a completely plausible, intellectually sound model with a manager qualified to run it that simply doesn't work in the real world. That's the big risk IMO. As you said, he means well, but he doesn't really understand the real world.

Hopefully we're all worried about nothing. But I've dealt with enough academicians in my time to be nervous. We need a visionary and a leader and I don't know if Clough can deal with one of those.

I also hope he realizes that he's out of here soon. I don't know just when his tenure ends but college presidents don't rule for life like fortune 500 CEOs sometimes do. I hope he steps back and allows the committee to have some say in this so we aren't stuck with his ideal for the job that no one else can work with after he's gone.
"I like to think that with this many UGA grads, no wonder they were low bidder for this project."

Ofcourse you like to think that.
I'm pretty sure that their client list says it all. It states that one client is the University System of Georgia, which Georgia Tech is a part of. I don't think you have to look into it any further than that. I'm sure they'll perform their job to the best of their ability and it won't matter in the long run. To assume that they would actually try to give us bad selections because of school rivalry is ridiculous. I'm sure it may be joked about but they don't actually pick the AD, but just give us potential candidates.
Why do people continue to put more stock in this "search firm" thing than it deserves.
Does anyone really think that our people are waiting around like they have sent these headhunters out on a hunting and foraging expedition?
It's Just the Way the World Works Now. You can take that to the bank.

You can also be sure that W Clough will say to the effect that...after an exhaustive search, we are happy to announce that the outside, 3rd party, uninterested and unbiased search firm we have hired has successfully negotiated a ______ year contract with Coach __________ to lead our athletic department.

Don't misunderstand me. There is nothing sinister about this. Every organization with a high profile opening has to CIA if it doesn't want their pants sued off.
In today's reality of frivilous lawsuits, Tech can't even admit they like one candidate over another.

Just one more thing. Think about how stoopid it was that Clough set a final day for the acceptance of applications! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
It's like we are hiring the summer help at 6 Flags.

We have to do all this, but a hearty Thank You! goes out to the lawyers of the country for making us waste all the effort and money to play this pc game.
Smells like a kettle of fish to me ... if all the search firm is.. is a "formality" .. then there are plenty of others sans Ugay credentials available.....to me it speaks volumes about Clough and his (lack of) commitment level to athletics... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dead_horse.gif