I need some questions for Giff Smith?



He will be on the show Monday at 9 p.m check out my site for more details.

I wanted to prepare some questions for him so even if you cant make the show you can listen to the archeived and hear the answer to your question.

Thanks guys (not trying to take up room on the board, just thought you guys would enjoy hearing from him)

Adamm Oliver
a.k.a Machine
How many kids does he come across that want to come to Tech or Tech is one of their favorites but cannot due to grades?
How do they estimate how big a recruit will get? Do they have a chart, or do they assume that the guy is done growing?
Can they really tell how good a high school player is by watching tapes? Those tapes are splices of a handful of a player's best plays in a season. Maybe the top 1%.
Can they really tell how good a high school player is by watching tapes? Those tapes are splices of a handful of a player's best plays in a season. Maybe the top 1%.

Along the same lines, during those 1% of plays they're generally playing against competition far inferior to both themselves and what they'll face in college. Given that, how much attention do they actually pay to those tapes and/or games?