I realize this is a football board, but the following...


Flats Noob
Dec 2, 2001
statement involves all collegiate sports. I was browsing the Baylor board and came across this and was interested in whether there would be ideas/comments from our own:

True or not, this kind of statement is thought provoking:

In athletics today the good wholesome kid from the suburbs doesnt win games it is the athletic kids that come from a rough past.
That's probably always been true. It's just that who the "rough" kids are changes.
I believe it was Voltaire who said history is the sound of silk slippers sliding down the stairs and hob nail boots pounding up the stairs....

Holy Cats!

Bear Bryant once remarked that in the last half of his career it was the black kids who were really hungry to play football.

On the whole, I'd rather hear from Voltaire than the Bear, but he was a bit of an Alabama philosophe.