I want to know, even if it may be


Flats Noob
Dec 2, 2001
a dumb question(in someone's inexperienced, non-athletic mind):
"Why did we not have "mist fans" on our sidelines."?
From where I sat, there were none to be seen on our sidelines, but 6 on CUs sideline, which , of course, they brought from S.C. and set up.
I am of the honest opinion that if we had none, then someone is not doing their job.
I spoke with an individual near the end of the game who said in essence: "Aw, that doesn't make any difference". And I differed in my opinion, pointing out that most all the top programs use them, esp. in the South.
Don't tell me they do no good....sorry, I disagree. I will write t.w.a.i.c. (those who are in charge) tonight and express my view point, but maybe some of you can answer me in such a way that will cause this not to be a neccesity.
I do not care if you are cutting grass or playing football, when you are hot, sweaty,exhausted and tired in a high humidity situation, you are much more refreshed, and energetic if you experience misty, cool breezes instead of stale, hot, heavily humid air to breathe while on the sidelines.
The Bible says, (paraphrase) "the little foxes spoil the vines".
I personally want every advantage in a game; from the way I dress, part my hair, walk, feel, (on and on). I think it is time that Tech pays more absolute attention to the minute as well as the huge things. Winning football includes the smallest to the largest of details.
Wow!! That is unbelievable! Just another thing to get mad at. This whole stinking mess is getting embarrassing.