Idiot Bradley shows CG's conundrum


Nov 25, 2001
That idiot Bradley demonstrates CG's conundrum. CG makes reference that he is considering playing TB and then this idiot accuses CG of blaming RB for the last two losses.

Unless you are extremely confident that making a change will produce a win ti is very difficult to make a change after 3pt losses.

Our D has put RB in a position to be in close games til the end even after poor performances.
I agreed 100% w/ that article, in fact, it's exactly what I though to myself after the ACC CG debacle.

For Gailey to suggest starting Bennett NOW is absolutely pathetic unless the reason is to give him experience...the season is basically over, might as well let Ball have his last game, at this point I really don't care.
Mark Richt put Joe Cox, who had never thrown a pass, in the 4th quarter of the Colorado game and low and behold they won! Whether or not they won is beside the point. HE TRIED SOMETHING DIFFERENT! And Cox has never seen the field since. Spurrier takes a former QB now Wide Receiver, puts him back at QB while his is out, and low and behold they do ok... Gailey is a nice man. Thats all I have to say
While I thought the heading of the article, "Gailey makes Ball a Scapegoat" was out of line, I do agree with Bradley's point of the article, that being Gailey is ultimately responsible for Ball's failures.

It just does not make sense to me that Bennett was not given at least one series in the last two games. If he's capable but goes unused, that falls on your HC. If a change is needed but he is incapable that falls on your HC.
Gailey/Nix are completely and totally responsible

for Reggie Ball's REPEATED FAILURES. No, Reggie isn't the best QB in the world, he's not even average.

However it was GAILEY and NIX that continue to play him game after game of poor performances. Just exactly how many games over the last 4 years can you pin a win purely on how Reggie Ball has played for GT? Maybe a handful??? During that same timeframe, how many losses can you pin on a poor performance by Reggie Ball? Several each year!

Gailey and Nix have reaped what they have sown with this situation. They have no viable backup in place to start next season. They have a fanbase that is fractured and growing moreso by the day. They have a team that is showing signs of the same with players calling out each other. And above all that, they still insist on playing a 4 year starter who has yet to show any improvement (due to both a lack of talent and a lack of coaching).

The truth really hurts, doesn't it Lawbee? How can you or anyone else sit there and try to polish the turd that is Tech's QB situation? There is not one sentence in Bradley's article that is not true, and you know it.

Just call it like it is. It's a bad situation, and Gailey has caused this by A) continuing to hide behind Ball's poor performances, B) not recruiting a viable backup for 4 years, C) not giving our backups any shot whatsoever over the last 4 years, D) not holding Ball accountable for his performances, and the biggest problem in my opinion is E) not providing adequate coaching and play-calling to help Reggie improve EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST since his Freshman year.

This type of QB situation wouldn't be put up with for 4 years anywhere else. Why should we have to put up with it at Tech?
Che, that article is correct as far as each single sentence, but I think it is totally unfair as a package of sentences, i.e. thought.

Bradley is throwing Chan to the wolves. We should be men enough to just realize that we can't be any worse on offense with someone else and that that is the only fair thing to do for the rest of our brave warriors. KHall and JoeA deserve something different too, even if it hurts little Reggie Ball's feelings.

I understand where you're coming from, and maybe Chan doesn't deserve to hear what Bradley's saying. But it is the truth, and he's the head coach. Ultimately the responsibility is his, whether the situation is good or bad.

I agree with what you say about doing the right thing regardless of whether it hurts Reggie's feelings. Surely Reggie is smart enough to realize his performance hasn't been up to par and has been holding the team back. But again, Chan's the one that keeps playing him. Reggie does put out a lot of effort on the field trying to accomplish what the coaches have asked of him. I don't believe he has the talent to run the offense that they're asking him to run (50 yard bombs with no other options to speak of).

Bottom line is that Chan is reaping what he has sown for the last 5 years. He has failed to develop a consistent option at QB, and it has been the single biggest problem holding this team back. And now it has kept Georgia Tech from returning to the Orange Bowl for the first time in 40 years, and it has cost us the last 2 wins over UGA and an outright ACC title.

Playing another QB other than Reggie couldn't turn out any worse than that, could it? I don't believe there's any way it could be worse, and the upside is TREMENDOUS.

The other problem is that even if we change QB's, they can't be successful with our current offensive philosophy of "Heave and Hope" 50 yard passes and dives into the line. The offense HAS to be tailored around the QB and his skillset. Johnny Unitas couldn't succeed in the offense that we ran against UGA and Wake Forest.

Seriously, all we need is an offense that can consistently put up 17-20 points. THAT'S NOT A LOT OF POINTS, FOLKS. Put up 17 against ND, UGA, and WAKE and you win all 3 of those games, go to the BCS, win the ACC, etc. Just 17 measely points.
Che, you talked me into it. We need a different quarterback. Thanks.

Of course, I have agreed with this for quite some time too, but I still believe that the article was written to hurt Chan regardless of what he does. Bradley's out to hurt Chan and Tech. The article is unfair in that regard.
Re: Midatlantech...

CHe, the only part of this that I don't know and would love to hear the answer to, is whether Reggie is throwing to his primary receiver on all those long heaves, or whether he simply goes there because he can't read the other routes. We always have multiple options on every pass play...what we don't know is why he ends up throwing long so often. Is it called, or does he just do it on his own because he either locks onto a receiver or can't find anyone else.

On the telecast Saturday, Greise made a comment at least twice that Reggie was looking at his receiver the whole time. He followed it up with wtte "he knows where his receivers are going, he's supposed to be looking at the defense to know who's going to be open".

I'm not trying to defend either Chan or Nix. I personally feel we should have been running the ball 2/3 of the time in both of the last two games. Neither Wake or ugag have stopped Choice yet. But I'm not convinced that Reggie isn't doing a lot of this on his own.

Of course that also leads directly back to why TB hasn't seen any action. That's my biggest problem with the way this year played out. When he played against Duke he was throwing different routes than Reggie tries. Was the play calling different or was he reading the coverage? Anyone know?
I don't disagree that Bradley has his own agenda.

He's always had an agenda, and generally it's been against Tech.

However, like you said, the statements he made are true. And I believe that someone needs to say them. While Bradley may not be the right one, at least he has brought it out into the open for discussion. The situation at Tech doesn't need to be swept under the rug. It doesn't need to be talked about behind closed doors like some secret society. We're all Tech fans, and we all want Tech to succeed. More and more of us don't see success in how Chan's managing our offense.

It's a shame that we've had to miss out on the Orange Bowl, a win over UGA (possibly more), and an outright ACC title because of our QB play and offensive mismanagement. But it's not too late to do something about it. We have good recruits coming in. We have the ability to hire a true offensive coordinator with experience in developing QB's. We've got a strong defense.

Chan just needs to get his head out of the sand, show some fire, and get his butt in gear to do something about all of this. It's either his program, or it's not. Now's the time to do something about it.

Those are good points. I, too, would like to know if Reggie is just locking onto his #1 target or if he just can't see the rest of the field.

But that statement is exactly the problem I have with our playcalling. If Reggie can't see the middle of the field or other receivers on long routes, we should be running short routes, screen passes, out routes to the sidelines, button hooks, comeback routes, etc, etc. We need to put him in a position to make some safe passes. Throwing the ball 50 yards to Calvin every time doesn't work for Reggie and it wouldn't work for Johnny Unitas or Peyton Manning either. No one can be expected to succeed in that type of offense. Yes, a deep ball every once in a while is fine. Everyone does that. But for us to take a 40% passer and ask him to throw deep repeatedly is just nuts and poor planning. And I feel that it's a disservice to Reggie because it's setting him up to fail.

Also, if Reggie is locking onto receivers as a 4 year starter, that shows that either coaching isn't working, or the coaching is getting done. If it's the former, then we need to switch QB's. If it's the latter, then we have a bigger problem. I personally think it's a combination. Reggie locks onto the receivers. We can all see that happening. But I also think that coaching has something to do with that. AJ Suggs had the same problem that Reggie has. And I believe we'll see some of that next year with whoever starts in our offense at QB.

That's why we need a new, proven OC and new play-calling that's TAILORED to our skillset on offense.

I'm convinced that if we ran an offense with short passes to running backs and other short passes to WR's, with a heavy dose of Tashard, Reggie would be much more effective. Any good coach knows your offense has to be tailored to your players' abilities. Otherwise it's a square peg in a round hole.