I'm in good company!!


Jul 8, 2002
I\'m in good company!!

I have joined the ranks of Woody, RM and MOF as being banned from Buzzoff....the place that doesn't ban people except for physical threats - right....good ol' BB can dish it out but he can't take it.

Since I'm certain my last post was nuked, (along with a couple others from yesterday, I believe I'll post it here! (GTfan and Beestorm, my apologies if you don't want it posted here - remove it if you want, or tell me and I will. I know you said no cut'n'paste from other boards, but it's my own post and has been removed from the original board.)

My last post on BO:

I do believe that I'll take a break from this board. There's some good people here and some stupid pricks here and the stupidity is outweighting the good. I'm tired of it.

Most GT message boards are thrilled to have former lettermen posting. Not BO, noooo. Unless one toes the party line here, they are ridiculed and dismissed as being ass kissers. And when the admin is called on it THEY ARE BANNED! So much for no holds barred. right.

This is the board of lies and inunedos. This is the board that claims that our student-athletes are pussys. This is the board that claims to be the sole bastion of "truth", "truth" being anything that is negative for GT football factual or not. This is the board that doesn't allow name calling, unless one is supportive of the coach. This is the board that denies reality. This is the board that believes anyone can come to Tech and win ten games every year. This is the board that believes recruiting at Tech is really very easy. This is the board that pushpins degrading rhymes about the coach. This is the board that glorifies losses and makes excuses for wins. This is the board that is an embarassment to those that love GT football.

The owner and admin of this board is a spineless lying coward, not just for allowing this board to exist in its present form, but for initiating and perpectuating the worse of the misleading, degrading and lying posts.

Y'all have fun ridiculing me and saying that I couldn't face the "truth". I may be back, I may not. I may not be allowed back.
Re: I\'m in good company!!

Awesome, just Awesome.

You my friend took a hell of a lot more than you should have.

Isn't it funny how oldfogy hasn't been by to see us. Kinda hurts my feelings. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puke.gif

Like i said before when beebad gets some nutz he will have us back. Oh that's right i don't guess we will ever see that board again, or at least me.
Re: I\'m in good company!!

Thanks, 'mover, like I said, I'm in good company!

It's a shame, because there are some good people over there, even some of the ones that want Gailey fired, but the unceasing shrill harping of too many drown out the reasoning of the others.
Re: I\'m in good company!!

Here's one of my problems as well, every third post by all 11 of them is blah blah blah followed by more blah's.

I could deal with some but after a post or two they all go back to oleary this oleary that and UCF is the greatest and oleary shouldn't have to pay money back and oh did you see the new flavor coach of the day and let's get back to our 10 win seasons when oleary was here and oh by the way that randy walker and mike leach and their here paul johnson would get us to 10 wins a year and oh by the way gailey is a liar and spiker, on and on and on and on.

Oh yeah where's the fogster?
Re: I\'m in good company!!

I am happy as hell Geeteelee that you got banned! I like to read your posts and now I won't have to go over there and be amongst a bunch of a**holes to look for them.

Re: I\'m in good company!!

beebad is EVERYTHING that he acuses others of bieng and for someone who thinks excuses are for losers, he sure is full of them.

I forgot something OF dared someone to call him a maggot to his face, I wonder if beebad considers that a PHYSICAL threat.
Re: I\'m in good company!!

in any way you challenge bebad he takes as a threat.

mr. no nutz where r u?

Oh i'm sorry is that a threat?
Re: I\'m in good company!!

He's a lot more high profile since he did his thing with the BANs. No holds barred debate on GT sports yeah Right. beebad now calls anyone that does not post when HE wants DRIVE BY POSTERS.

I think HYPOCRITE fits bb.
Re: I\'m in good company!!

But RM please do not what ever you do say that to OF's face I shudder to think what he might do.