
Nov 25, 2001

IMO that is crap. That sounds like our former coaches blaming the sid people for the inaccuracies in their resume. It is Hollis' name on that article. At the same time that "ass" Bradley did a fair article on GT (LINK BELOW). Hollis ripped our club and he is suppose to be straight up. I would rather that Ass Bradley do the writing for GT. Hollis is an idiot who is trying to spin it as his job. No one does their job when Ugag drops the ball. Their is a saying don't piss on my shoulder and tell me it is raining. Well I tell you some people think it is raining. I AM SAYING IT IS NOT.

Bradley's article
Tell us, law_bee, how do you really feel?

Nice points on Hollis and Bradley. I am no fan of Mark Bradley (see previous posts here under my name if you want), but I agree that he did a nice job on the linked article. The AJC decided to make the bio scandal even bigger than it was, and they do it hiding behind the cloak of "doing their jobs". Screw 'em. In the end, the only jobs I worry about around Tech football are the ones the coaching staff and the players are trying to do. If they do their jobs to the best of their ability, I could care less what the newspaper idiots say.

I will tell you one of the main reasons that I believe Hollis is a liar and a snake.

First after AUC dropped the ball and never caught O'leary's big secret Hollis went on a mission. He climbed up everybody's but with a microscope looking for dirt. He found some on Rick Smith. He wrote about it and slammed GT.

I can accept this. GT dropped the ball and should have seen this coming.

Then GT fires Smith (a good man who made a mistake) b/c they felt they had to. I can accept GT handling it this way.

If Hollis was truly a fair person he would have written an article applauding the way GT handled this matter and at the same time rationalizing Smith's behavior.

Sometimes I probably expect too much from people, but I tell you Hollis just stated as a matter of fact Smith fired.

Smith deserved better and GT deserved better IMO.

Then for me to hear that some GT fan is talking to Hollis for hours about how Hollis was just doing his job.

I feel sorry for people who buy into that. Hollis is a hack. I see people lie everyday for personal gain. Hollis does not give a damn about GT. In contrast read Bisher's articles about GT and Bobby Dodd. When you read Bisher describe the death of a member GT's past teams it chokes you up.

Hollis is a just a HACK punching a clock. I just wish he could (what he thinks is a better gig) move on to something else that I never have to read.
I'm not gonna argue with your view on this. I generally have never liked how the AUC covers Tech and I think Hollis has really hurt us this year. His investigative reporting (snicker) has cost us some recruits, I believe and I hope he leaves the AUC to go somewhere else. I never liked Norman Arey either.
The AUC is definitely not a positive for Tech.
Great post Law... and I agree completely with your points... in my opinion Hollis is a small man... not because he wrote an article concerning GOL or Smith etc... but because he doesnt know how to be fair... you are right, he could have written an article applauding the actions taken by Tech... but the truth is, he nor the AJC cares about "pleasing" the Tech market, because it is just a smaller market as compared to the state school... their concern IS NOT credible journalism, but the $$... and in my opinion, thats why the journalism profession has gone from being a respected profession to one that is akin to selling used cars in Podunk, Ga.. I am not bothered because flaws were uncovered, I can appreciate that... but on 12/20, the same information was found on Harrick Jr., and has just been passed over... thats their choice... I will make mine and not contribute to their cause..
LawBee the problem with the AUC and reporting on GT in general lies in the press as a whole. UGA has journalism and broadcast journalism as majors. Therefore, with many of their alums working in this area, they will get the better coverage and not have the bias against them. This is very evident with COX Communications (WSB radio and TV, AUC, etc) </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: fixed;"> </pre><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
Gold...the word resume is being thrown out for no reason. It was his bio that was wrong. I'm guessing that one reporter used it erroneously and it spread from there. Not to mention that resume is easier to say than media guide bio, and more people know what a resume is.

Oh, yeah, and if you say that some lied on their resume, it sells more papers than if you say that information was falsely printed. I just about hate the media and the way it spins things.
Help me out please. I still see Robinson's inaccuracies described in various media as "resume" problems. Is this true or was it bio problems? Recent articles SEEM to indicate that Robinson's innaccuracies were of his doing, not innocent mistakes as we had been told earlier.
I'm confused -- what is the truth?
The motive for the "bio-gate" articles in the AUC by Hollis was simply to put GT in a bad light, get GT in trouble and muddy the waters for recruiting season IMHO. AUC and Hollis could not care less whether Tech disiplined and retained Rick Smith and Robinson, fired them or did nothing at all. It was a win/win situation for the Dawg-based AUC. If GT fires the coaches, some potential recruits see instability and choose UGAg or some other school. If GT keeps the coaches, it's more fodder for GT bashing in the name of "ethics". I'm afraid Law and MacDaddy fell into the AUC trap when they called for disiplinary action in their posts.