In all seriousness


Varsity Lurker
Sep 20, 2016
In all seriousness I just get bored during the week and the same ole trash talk with the Lamecocks gets boring. With all respect to yalls football team I will say tomorrow will be a good game, We have to go out an prove ourselves because we haven't proven shit against y'all in trips to Atlanta, best of luck to y'all. May the best team win.

Btw, the trash talk was all in fun please don't be butthurt.
Smart move, redneck. We were just getting started.

Choke on a pumpkin.
You know, you can save valuable time in the morning before going to work at Big Lots by making breakfast in the shower. Most toasters are waterproof.
While I appreciate the banter. Please know that you're a redneck idiot. I have never known a Clemson alum to be of any intellectually standing in my world nor have I ever interacted with any alums that illustrated even the slightest signs of mental abaility. I wish you well with your glorified high school diploma and all the best in your fan-hood.
You probably didn't ACTUALLY think Calvin Johnson was a mediocre pro either.
In what ways should a Clempsun fan kill himself?

Gun? Rope? Knive? Join ISIS?

In what way should a Clemson fan kill himself? Jumping into a garbage incinerator to minimize cleanup.

In what way will a Clemson fan kill himself? Infection due to rectal tearing caused from inserting a pumpkin in his anus in an attempt to numb butthurt from losing tonight's game.
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In what was should a Clemson fan kill himself? Jumping into a garbage incinerator to minimize cleanup.

In what way will a Clemson fan kill himself? Infection due to rectal tearing caused from inserting a pumpkin in his anus in an attempt to numb butthurt from losing tonight's game.

Mind rite for gameday.
In what ways should a Clempsun fan kill himself?

Gun? Rope? Knive? Join ISIS?

Has sex with cousin, wife catches him. Pissed because its her half sister, wife kills both of them, then kills herself because she just killed her brother and sister.