In Case You Wondered Where Quitsy Went



DALLAS (AP) -- Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Quincy Carter was arrested Friday on marijuana possession charges at the home of a woman who called police saying Carter had been "throwing things around."

Apparently he was throwing things around, but was unable to actually connect on any of his passes.....:laugher:
He was busted at 05:30 a.m. yesterday morning on a 2 ounce or less marijuana posession charge. He was unable to post a $500 bail bond. A local sports radio station affiliated with ESPN (103.3 FM) here in the DFW area and a sports radio host named Randy Galloway posted bail for him while doing his afternoon radio show. the bail was posted through "Cowboy Bail Bonds". It cost the host $100 to post the bail. He was in jail at least 10 hours. I listened to it live (the lets' post bail for Qunicy, the calls to th bondsman, and the release). Quincy was released without comment.
Quincy and that nutjob kicker for F$U are two guys I'm glad NEVER ended up at Tech.

REALLY glad.

I see Quincy has been managing his millions pretty well...
I think it goes without saying that QC was into drugs while in college (it probably wasn't a habit he picked up after finishing his eligibility). I heard from my red-neck dawg brother, back when the bulldog nation was calling for Donnan's head, that Donnan new of Carter's drug problem and pretty much ignored it. I don't know Donnan personally but it seems like a rumor that I'd put money on being true.
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I can remember having to take drug/steriod test at the GTAA before the start of every school year.

I guess they just don't do that in Athens.

What a shock...
Just think where QC would be today if he had only received the GT education he originally signed up for!